Electronics Forum: mot1 (Page 1 of 2)

Mydata TP11-UFP F-MOT1-38/245

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 24 08:07:06 EDT 2021 | artem

Hello, I have a Mydata TP11-UFP which stopped working. It prints F-MOT1-38/245:MSETDYNX during initialisation. Any idea what could be wrong? I have already replaced the capacitors and the Inrush Current Limiters on the "L-19-588-18" board. Also ins

Mydata TP9-2 Help

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 18:58:12 EDT 2007 | edruppert

This message indicates that the Peak to Peak voltage for the x axis motor encoder is too low. Possible cable/encoder or MOT1 board problem. Machine will either exhibit this during intialization or while running. Diagnostics in service routine may he

Mydata (TP9-2U) problem

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 12:30:30 EDT 2013 | shankar2013

We are having a problem with our Mydata TP9-2U where the machine shuts down during a job with this message seen on the service monitor -- F-MOT1-26/156:MOVFI: MOTOR TIMEOUT Has anybody seen this problem?

Mydata TP9-2U error ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 21 06:19:17 EDT 2019 | mxtimra

Mydata TP9-2U gives error code MOT1-38/186:MSETDYNX What is that code ? Machine give that code and wont make start up process. Appreciate if someone has knowledge that code, thanks.

Mydata TP11-UFP F-MOT1-38/245

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 15:47:37 EDT 2021 | harry

I just got the same machine with very low hours. What has been your experience? This is my first mydata machine.

Mydata TP11-UFP F-MOT1-38/245

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 17:48:46 EDT 2021 | artem

Hello, I have found the problem. The capacitors on the PAIB board were leaking. They have even demaged some traces and vias on the PCB and the -5V supply on the PAIB board was not working anymore. Got it working again :)

TP18-UFP initian failure

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 10:45:36 EST 2007 | PaulD

Im looking for some help I have a tp18 that will not initiate the error is f-mot1-38-245:msetdynx I tried several things. I've swapped mot cards to not avail, checked the long ribbon cable and so forth if anyone knows what this code means it would be

Mydata TP9-2U error ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 11:30:47 EDT 2019 | rgduval

It's a motor controller card error. I'm not completely sure, but, it seems like something in the x. Swap MOT1 with MOT2 or 3, and see if the error moves. If it does, you have a bad MOT card. If it doesn't, you have something going on with a motor

Mydata TP11-UFP F-MOT1-38/245

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 11:20:52 EDT 2021 | bk

The 245 error is with your x belt motor not the x wagon motor. double check all the fuses on the back of the machine where your power comes in there should be 3 of them. if you haven't changed your blue cables in a while I would change those out. you

Mydata TP11 UFP hardware initiation failure

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 11:18:43 EDT 2006 | ev

Paul, the error says "MOT1-38-247 MSETDYNX: Xwagon fan not working." I have checked...the X motor fan and it is working...the fan behind the PAIB board is also working...I checked this because there is a connector marked X wagon fan on the PAIB boa

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