Electronics Forum: mycronic mydata (Page 1 of 5)

printing problem on mydata machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 11:34:47 EST 2017 | rgduval

If you're lucky, that parameter can be unlocked using the parameters password. If you're unlucky, and it can't be changed using the password, that'll mean it's hardware protected. You'll need a new magic word from Mycronic to update it. Cheers, ..


Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 09:19:16 EDT 2017 | vchauhan

Thank you for your quick response.


Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 15:15:03 EDT 2017 | vchauhan

Thank you so much.

Mycronic/Mydata MY19 planning on buying

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 01:24:01 EST 2020 | sarason

http://members.iinet.net.au/~sarason/ sarason


Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 06 18:25:28 EDT 2017 | vchauhan

Has anyone used Mycronic (MYDATA)MY700 or MY600 Jet printer for solder paste printing? We are looking to buy one. Would love your feedback. Specially how the machine works, what it can do and are there any quality problems after printing with jet pri

Mycronic/Mydata MY19 planning on buying

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 25 17:15:08 EST 2020 | SMTA-Alex

All the TM feeders are obsolete. So, you won't find anything on them from Mycronic. The TM8FC is the one you want for 0402s.

Thinking of changing Pick and Place from Quads

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 10 15:14:25 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

We have had very good after sale support from Mycronic (Mydata). They can do high volume (speed) but where they outperform many other brands is their lower setup times. If you do high mix, low/medium volume I would recommend them.

Component tape

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 15 09:55:58 EST 2016 | dyoungquist

Mycronic (Mydata) makes a solution for this. Product name is Tape Seal 8 or Tape Seal 1216 Tape Seal 8 - Part No: L-014-1600 Tape Seal 1216 - Part No: L-014-1572 I have used them and they work well.


Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 07 10:10:28 EDT 2017 | tsvetan

Did you check the printing head wearing time? If I remember correct the head needs replacement after few KG of paste printing this means buy new head each few days in real production quantities. Beside for prototypes they are extremely expensive to


Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 01 09:44:09 EDT 2017 | cyber_wolf

I'm thinkin you can buy a lot of stencils for 200K. If you are worried about floor space, buy frameless, or space saver stencils. Will not jet WS paste.

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