Electronics Forum: mydata and bug (Page 1 of 18)

BGA dead bug pick and place

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 24 06:01:16 EDT 2002 | Kent

I'm currently dealing with an design of an end effector that need to pick n place a BGA dead bug package. The design is using peumatic system to do the task. Any advise or suggestion on this kind of design?

BGA dead bug pick and place

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 02:35:10 EDT 2004 | Bernard

Base on the PORON foam rubber recommended, is it possible to apply on small BGA chip of 4x4 ball size 0.3mm. Any specific part no and supplier for this type of foam and is it a anti-static material? Would it be possible to punch out at dia. 3mm?

BGA dead bug pick and place

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 29 05:22:38 EST 2002 | kent

Thankyou very much for the information. Another question, what are the difficulty of dealing with the larger ball and tighter pitch? What is size of the ball is consider large and how far the distance for pitch is consider tight? Currently I have

BGA dead bug pick and place

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 09:43:01 EST 2002 | gregp

Larger tighter spaced balls will present a problem in sealing the vacuum cup. There will be more leakage in this case. It really depends upon the application. The BGA you mention should not be a major concern. The bigger problems are with bigger

BGA dead bug pick and place

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 18 11:31:17 EDT 2004 | gregp

I think it depends on the thickness of the PORON sheet. For .3mm balls you could probably get away with a pretty thin sheet (maybe 1/16"). I don't know how thin it comes offhand. For the part you are describing I woulf try maybe a 3.5mm OD and a 1

BGA dead bug pick and place

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 28 09:48:10 EST 2002 | gregp

If I understand correctly you want to pick BGAs from the ball side using some type of vacuum arrangement. You will find that the reliability of this is dependant on the size of the balls and the pitch. The larger the balls and tighter the pitch, th

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 01 12:16:46 EDT 2020 | proceng1

We use CircuitCam extensively, but not for MYDATA. What exactly is the issue you are seeing? Do you have the MYDATA Export module from Aegis?

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 25 14:46:08 EDT 2020 | stephendo

What about designators? Using gerbers to program a pnp machine was always a last resort to be done only after much complaining and begging for proper CAD data. Back in the day I used UniCAM to program a mydata. After getting it figured out it was eas

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 23:44:17 EDT 2020 | kghadiya

I am having trouble programming circuitcam for mydata (my9) pnp machine. My question is, when i digitalize the gerber file what should i take care to get required output for my9? In my9 i cant see exact positions of all the components. I have assign

Circuit cam and mydata

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 06:41:22 EDT 2020 | jameshayliie

Convert CAD Data into a Placement Program Contract Manufacturing Handle to have a fast and easy way to convert your CAD data into a placement program. Recently I purchased some PCBs from Greatpcb and Cplfpc for my college project.

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