Electronics Forum: mydata splice (Page 1 of 1)

Splicing SMT tape & reel

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 13:38:29 EDT 2006 | smdtapesplice.com

We have the perfect SMD Tape Splice solution that runs flawless through your pick and place machine. Our splices run through Fuji, Panasonic, Siemens, Juki, Universal, Quad/Tyco, Samsung, Sanyo, Mydata etc.. We have a loan program for testing our T

Inspection and splicing

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 24 15:22:46 EST 2008 | gars

Just got some splicing samples. A bit worried about the brass shim getting stuck in the machine (mydata). Any help. thanks. g

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 09:25:46 EDT 2005 | Base

Hey Greg, As you already pointed out yourself: unless you can do away with covertape pickup-spools (or can figure out a way to empty them without loosing tension on the covertape) your feeders will not be suitable for several consecutive splices. S

Reel splicing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 14 12:11:17 EDT 2014 | rgduval

We used to use the Tapesplicer tool available from http://www.tapesplice.com (Sierra Electronics), in a high mix, low volume environment with MyData's (older feeders). Short review: It worked. Longer review: First, technique is everything. Splicin


Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 18:24:21 EDT 2000 | Walter

In need of a manual tape splicer that joins togeather all SMD carrier tape. We are running mydata equipment and we need at least a 6" leader on each reel. Who sells such equipment??

tape splicing pros and cons

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 23 10:25:40 EDT 2005 | gregp

On our machines, the feeder release latch is designed such that the feeder goes offline (machine will not pick from it) before you can actually remove the feeder. This makes it virtually impossible to damage a nozzle or spindle. I'm not sure about

Digi-reels from Digikey? Likes? Dislikes?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 15:29:15 EDT 2011 | rgduval

We don't like them on our MyData's, and recommend our customers not pay the extra money to have them done by Digikey. The small reels tend to get stuck in the MyData magazines, and are difficult to deal with. Since the MyData's handle strips fairly


Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 18:19:53 EDT 2000 | Darby

If you are using embossed tape you can use super glue and put the last pocket of the old tape into the first pocket of the new tape, or visa versa if that suits your feeders better. You can also simply glue old peelback onto new leader, wipe away all


Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 11:51:14 EDT 2000 | Deon Nungaray

Walter, First of all, if I recall correctly you should not need a 6" leader for starting a reel on a Mydata. Mydata's have a reel leader extension attachment with a V hook at the end so you can avoid this need for a long leader. You should be able t


Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 19 21:51:24 EDT 2022 | rgduval

The only time we dealt with "major" loss related to the feeders was when they were out of maintenance. Kept in good shape, sure there's loss; but, I never considered it to be major. But, that is subjective, of course. In the end, in my mind, it


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