Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 25 16:59:58 EST 1999 | Ranko Vujosevic
Check: www.optelco.com Optel is a manufacturing optimization and execution system for PCB assembly industry
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 17:27:34 EDT 2004 | Optel
The only software designed to minimize number of setups and setup changeover time: http://www.optelco.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 22 11:22:47 EDT 2015 | jax
Take a look at Optimal or Optelco out of Austin. I'm not sure how many Equipment Manufacturers they have modules for at this point(FUJI, Universal, JUKI, etc..) but Mydata is one they control very well.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 10:47:57 EDT 2013 | jax
If you are looking into Aegis and Valor, you should also look at Optimal (Optelco), and Cogiscan. All 4 can do what you want and offer a growth path into Mixed Equipment Programming, Scheduling, Traceability, Quality Tracking, etc... Depending on y
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