Electronics Forum: optimise (Page 1 of 10)

MYDATA Myspeed software is total junk

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 09:19:06 EST 2005 | Scott B

If you go into 'Magazine' menu and select 'Hydra preparation' then select the layout you wish to optimise (thats the stinger, you can only optimise for a single layout). You will then be presented with optimisation options which can be adjusted ('sa

Program optimisation

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 15 11:30:11 EST 1999 | af ng

Is there anyone know where to get information on PIck & Place equipment Program optimisation ( to improve the speed of component placement for boards). Thank you

Multi Cluster Optimisation using HLC software for Juki

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 17 01:36:18 EST 2014 | leeg

I have figured it out from a basic optimising point of view, still struggling with some aspects of the software. Is there a way of fixing the setup as it is so we can just produce a setup sheet to reflect the program in the machine?

OEE excel template

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 23:31:07 EDT 2019 | linux

If oven profile is optimised there's nothing to manage. What I was looking for is a oee template, nothing to do with line optimisation.

Panasonic p&p programming

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 10:44:37 EST 2007 | slthomas

Since no one has responded I'll give you what little I know. My last place of employment used MSH-IIs and an MPAV-2B. As far as I know there is no optimisation capability at the machine like there is with your Topaz. The programmer used Panasonic

Yamaha YM84 (Phillips CSM84) Optimisation

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 21 16:17:42 EST 1999 | Paul Isaacs

Does anyone know of effective pick and placement optimisation tools for the Yamaha YM84 (Phillips CSM84). We are small manufacturers that have 2 YM84 machines, 1 being a triple pick machine for placing jelly beans and the other for placing IC's. We a

Multi Cluster Optimisation using HLC software for Juki

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 16 16:49:32 EST 2014 | garym4569

Have you figured how to use the cluster option?

Multi Cluster Optimisation using HLC software for Juki

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 22 03:48:28 EST 2016 | hait

We are using Juki Fx2. Is the cluster programming is possible?

Juki optimisation

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 19 20:58:45 EDT 2007 | Steve

I have a project I would like to consider a Juki machine for. I am trying to find out if a Juki 2000 series machine can pick up parts from 12mm and 16mm simultaneously with all heads for good optimisation performance? IE are the heads spacing the sam

Multi Cluster Optimisation using HLC software for Juki

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 29 16:11:59 EST 2014 | leeg

Anyone have any idea how to use the HLC software and in particular the Production Planning side whereby you can cluster a number of sides or Jobs? I want to fix side 1 of a program and optimise side 2 around side 1 fixing common parts and then fillin

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