Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 02 08:30:24 EDT 1999 | Dan
Dave, You can get the ASCII formats directly from PADS, Mentor, and Orcad by becoming partners with them. They each have an alliance program you can join. Check out their websites. OrCAD can output GenCAD data directly now. Dan | Can any one s
Electronics Forum | Sat May 12 01:46:19 EDT 2012 | miulius13
Hello guys, I hope this thread is located properly! I have few designs made in OrCAD Layout and I need to switch them to automatic assembly but I've been told that I need pick and place files for them ... hence my request for you: How can I export t
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 15:15:09 EDT 2002 | Benny
I am lookind for a DDS program that was made in VHDL or any good orcad design ,information......
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 02 12:44:34 EST 2005 | Kokofiko
Forgot: 4. How do I design a new part in Orcad? Kokofiko
Electronics Forum | Sat May 12 12:30:04 EDT 2012 | kahrpr
its under report.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 06:55:25 EDT 2012 | miulius13
Okay, that was weird :| I didn't see the forest because of trees! Anyway, that's a step forward though I saw that OrCAD exports in .txt file and not Excel, as I need. Any ways to work around? Again, please be patient with me if, again, I can't see it
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 09:27:39 EDT 1999 | david Lee
Can any one supply me the Ascii formats of PADS, Mentor,ORCAD etc EDA software? Thank you very much
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 18 21:09:06 EST 2008 | cadfamily
Welcome to http: //www cadfamily com supply EDA/CAM Learning Tutorial free download!!! For example:Mentor Graphic,Cadence,PowerPCB,PADS,ORCAD,AGILENG,ANSOFT,SYNOPSYS,ZUKEN,GENESIS,VA LOR,UCAM,PARCAM,VXWORKS,TONARDO,ACTEL,ACTIVE-HDL,FPGA ETC.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 24 10:52:29 EDT 2012 | kahrpr
the txt will go into excel just use the import in excel tab/space delimited. then save under excel.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 04 14:28:19 EDT 2012 | miulius13
Thank you very much! It was not easy though but worked after all! Kind regards, L