Electronics Forum: other adjustable toolplate (Page 1 of 37)

Universal VCD Tooling - 22inch dual head.

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 06:09:31 EST 2001 | genglish

Is there anyone out there in SMT land who can provide me with a DXF (or other format) for a dual head VCD toolplate drawing, measuring 22" from side to side. regards G

Spray flux nozzle level

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 15 22:17:02 EDT 2006 | Thanagon

I'm now have target to flux saving. Could you please tell me. If we adjust level of spray fluxer nozzle up then we can saving cost of flux Quantity usage? What Others must adjust? such as pressure , flux flow. Thank you All for advise.

How do I adjust table height EKRA X5 Screen Printer?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 13:45:03 EDT 2020 | oxygensmd

There are one value for thickness during PCB-teach function which is the PCB thickness. The other one is the camera focus in machine option but it is a dangerous function because the camera focus is adjusted by raising/lowering table.

Mydata TM8FC Feeder strange issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 21:03:35 EST 2014 | padawanlinuxero

On top of the feeder should be a small cover thats adjustable you need to unscrewed a little and move it forward to the pick up area this should give you enough space to cover the other component another thing you can try is check if all the feeder

Setup speed, Samsung, Yamaha or Juki ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 25 23:05:40 EDT 2022 | kamedatec

I did something similar on Neoden machines. VisualPlace software helps a lot with this task, but the coordinates are never in the correct area where the PCB is, so I manually check the position of the first component and my software adjusts the posit

Quadalign set up

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 14:58:33 EDT 2009 | gantry228

It is apparently a Q-series machine, if the adjustment for pitch and roll doesn't work. You may have to loosen or remove the quadalign then check the "wavey" washers to ensure they are there and opposing each other (these provide like a spring effect

adjust gain/offset on fuji CP4

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 18 10:06:05 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf

There is no defined method that I am aware of. If your bulbs are old replace them. Other than that adjust the gain and offset until there is clear definition on the edges of the components. Keep an eye on the dump box.If the dump box stays relatively

Conformal Coating Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 18:51:45 EST 2013 | tombstonesmt

We've had great success with acrylic based cut with xylene. Very accurate with little to no masking necessary for keepout areas, very rarely have to make adjustments on our Asymtek. On the other hand we have an Asymtek dedicated for silicone coatin

DEK 265 to DEK Horizon 2 question

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 20 03:13:34 EST 2020 | silverlead

Included screenshots from DEK manual, outlining stencil depth adjustment. Basically, distance from rear of the stencil to the front of the image is value needed to be set on scale when positioning stencil. There is an other way to adjust stencil, by

Inverted Chip Resistor

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 11:54:02 EDT 2001 | Stefan

John, you mention yourself that this problem is component related. Is the 1206 presented out of a plastic tape?. The tape could be more slippery than the paper tape and the cover tape may pull the tape out of position. I am not familiar with the Juk

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