Electronics Forum: panasonic and cm402m-a and type (Page 1 of 1)

SMT Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 15:11:53 EDT 2001 | jdtpfacreate

Paul, My company offers an excellent solution for low volume/high mix applications. The issue always becomes how can you reduce downtime/changeover. There are few features on our machines that allow you to do this effectively: -Load feeder

Pick and Place Nozzles

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 18 22:55:05 EDT 2008 | kpm135

Nozzles are really machine specific. Your best bet, if you're looking for the correct nozzle for a part, would probably be to send a strip of parts and the data sheet to the manufacture of the machine and ask them for their recommendation. Most machi

Panasonic MV2C pick and place.

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 23:08:03 EST 2021 | gabriel1blue

How are you? Thank you for your time and all you help. I hope you can help me out one more time? The machine got reset again and normally I would just enter the date backwards as a password and everything it's good now the date has ; character in-bet

Re: Panasonic Feeders MVII and MPA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 15:18:05 EDT 1999 | JAS

| | | I am loking for second hand panasonic feeders MVII and MPA. | | | Please tell me characteristics, price and waranties. | | | | | | | | What are you looking for ? What sizes etc? With the MVII | you are capable of using a dual reel feeder.If

Re: Panasonic Feeders MVII and MPA

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 22:09:47 EDT 1999 | KEVIN SIMPSON

| | | | I am loking for second hand panasonic feeders MVII and MPA. | | | | Please tell me characteristics, price and waranties. | | | | | | | | | | | | What are you looking for ? What sizes etc? With the MVII | | you are capable of using a dual r

Market share fo Panasonic, Fuji and Aseembleon

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 12:29:57 EST 2006 | fastek

It makes sense if you think about it. Siemens was a dead company ready to fold up their tents back in the 80's and early 90's. To their credit they stuck to their platform...got somewhat lucky and the market sort of came to them as the wave of users

Re: Pros and Cons of Panasonic MV series chipshooter ?????

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 16:37:26 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| I am thinking of purchasing a Panasonic MV series chipshooter. If you own a Panasonic MV machine I would like to hear what you like and dislike about it. Is the service good? Are spare parts readily availiable? Does Panasonic support and follow up

Help finding a high capacity pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 18 09:04:46 EDT 2024 | carl_p

Sounds like your talking very low volume & component counts really... I would look at Panasonic AM100 for example - low cost, high flexibility but you would need multiple so you could pair it with another... Ideally we would need to understand your

Optimizer software for different brand of Pick and place equipme

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 29 10:10:46 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

Panasonic Flexi-Cam is supposed to support different types of equipment (including third party). Not sure if it will support AX-72, if they don't, you could ask. I know they support a range of Universal Equipment. Back in the day, when PanaPRO woul

Need opinions on equipment for picking and placing truly odd types of components

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 10:16:05 EDT 2013 | bocci572

Yes the components are flat and no larger than 50mm in size. Most are full rings or just an arc of a ring. I understand fully the best way to have the capabilities proven would be to have the vendor demonstrate. I am kind of looking at what people


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