Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 12:21:47 EDT 2018 | ilavu
We have one Panasonic MV2VB machine that we are parting it out. If any of you are interested in any parts from it, Please let me know. We also have feeders for it too. Machine info is..... Model Number: NM-HA35A Product Number: KAAA637 Serial Numb
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 03 15:11:04 EST 2007 | ratsalad
Hey gregp, I am not aware of any way to manually override a bad fiducial on a Panasonic MV2VB or MV2C.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 05 11:36:48 EDT 2013 | denisp
we use panasonic mv2vb feeder q type and we place a little piece of magnet under the reel and it help a lot
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 15:19:12 EDT 2005 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com
Thanks for the suggestions. We have been going around the dome to pick from the base. The placement machines are Panasonic chipshooters - MV2VB and MV2C. I have several problems with the MV2C. The K-type feeder plates were moved by my predeces
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