Electronics Forum: pb95 (Page 1 of 1)

Reflow issues with leaded paste and mixed components

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 10:10:52 EST 2005 | davef

When soldering your full tin (no lead) and Pb95/Sn5 solder components, you need to modify your PbSn reflow recipe to compensate for the higher melting point of the changed solder alloy [with your Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste] on those component leads.

Reflow issues with leaded paste and mixed components

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 08:23:35 EST 2005 | arclightzero

Hello, I am currently trying to isolate internal fallout problems with very low yield substrates mixed with great yields and have recently found that we are using a Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste with full tin (no lead) components as well as Pb95/Sn5 sol

HMP soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 22 14:01:31 EDT 2013 | jax

HMP can mean a lot of things, although it is normally used as the generic name for one of the following alloys: Pb93.5 Ag1.5 Sn5 (296°C-301°C) Pb95 Sn5 (308°C-312°C) Pb97.5 Ag1.5 Sn1 (309°C) If you are talking abou

Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 27 04:56:36 EST 1998 | Terry Keen

Hi I have been conducting my first reflow profiles. Most of the texts that I have read suggest soldering the thermocouples to a populated pcb. I am finding this very difficult. I have been using a high melting point (Sn5 / Pb95) solder and the diff

Re: Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 27 09:00:48 EST 1998 | Christopher Lampron

| Hi | I have been conducting my first reflow profiles. Most of the texts that I have read suggest soldering the thermocouples to a populated pcb. I am finding this very difficult. I have been using a high melting point (Sn5 / Pb95) solder and the

Re: Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 27 13:04:47 EST 1998 | Phillip Hunter

| Hi | I have been conducting my first reflow profiles. Most of the texts that I have read suggest soldering the thermocouples to a populated pcb. I am finding this very difficult. I have been using a high melting point (Sn5 / Pb95) solder and the

Re: Reflow Profiling

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 01 14:44:04 EST 1998 | Terry Burnette

| Hi | I have been conducting my first reflow profiles. Most of the texts that I have read suggest soldering the thermocouples to a populated pcb. I am finding this very difficult. I have been using a high melting point (Sn5 / Pb95) solder and the


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