Electronics Forum: pcb and baking and temperature (Page 1 of 6)

Pre-bake times and temperature for polyimide boards

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 10:05:20 EST 2005 | Dreamsniper

we are using polyimide boards 6 inches x 7 inches, 2.5mm thick, 12 to 14 layers, for aerospace industries. I am using a long bake of 12 hours at 70'C prior to manufacturing or exposure to elevated reflow and wave soldering temperature. If schedule i

Pre-bake times and temperature for polyimide boards

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 08 08:50:35 EST 2005 | davef

Normally, you should not have to bake boards that are properly packaged and stored. Since you are seeing problems, baking makes sense. Consider 125C for 4 to 6 hours. Additionally, look here for more, while waiting for others: http://www.smtnet.

Pre-bake times and temperature for polyimide boards

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 07 07:36:14 EST 2005 | dansmall

I have a Polyimide board that is showing signs of de-lamination. I was wondering what pre-bake times and temperatures other people would recomend for new boards as well for boards that have been on the shelf for 8 months.

seperation of soldermask and pcb

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 10:31:05 EDT 2014 | sara_pcb

The boards are baked for 2 hours at 120 deg C Regards, R.Saravanan

seperation of soldermask and pcb

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 09:35:28 EDT 2014 | emeto

Have you tried to bake the boards before you process them?

Need help on assessment of effect of temperature and humidity in battery consumption

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 24 21:00:58 EDT 2018 | marlonbc

Hi All, Would just like to course through this concern on a product that we are contracted to assemble. It is mainly used for an automatic hand sanitizer dispensing product. By design there is a restrictive value of current that it needs to dissipat

Re: Voids and BGA

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 01 15:52:13 EST 1998 | Earl Moon

| From several months I am investigation about the VOIDS PERSENCE and his important as reliability. | One question now is : | It is possible that on the BGA components the voids are already present into the balls, before the mounting on the pcb ? | I

Cleaning Machine and Chemistry

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 19 11:36:39 EST 2001 | billschreiber

Hello Mark, I wish it were that simple so I could direct you to a particular manufacturer and stencil cleaner model. Unfortunately, there are several issues complicating the process of cleaning all these applications in one machine. First and fore

Water cleaning and Moisture Entrapment

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 29 09:10:22 EST 2008 | stepheniii

It takes time for the moisture to penetrate into the body. I think the 5 years of ambient would be more the culprit than washing the boards. Especially since you are baking them after wash. Get a few of the ICs and put them loose on a board and put

Time and temp in lead and lead-free reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 21:10:35 EDT 2008 | leo_dektec

You can keep only the 5th zone as the reflow zone. And lower the first two zones to keep a good ramping rate. Meanwhile,please note the ting temperature in software or control panel is not the exact temperature in your PCB, you'd better get a KIC or

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