Electronics Forum: pcb and pressure and wash (Page 1 of 3)

Water wash flux and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt

You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl

LGA and Solderballs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 28 21:16:17 EST 2006 | davef

J Rose at EMPF says: The introduction of no-clean solder fluxes in electronics manufacturing has given rise to greater levels of solder balling simply because the opportunity to remove them in the wash process does not exist. They are typically cause

Coils and Water Soluble Fluxes

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 13:51:08 EDT 2007 | petep

Coilcraft has posted the following and I am wondering how you folks are handling the use of coils in a Water Soluble world. PCB Washing and Coilcraft Parts Coilcraft tests for resistance to solvents per the following specification: Resistance to s

Cleaning Machine and Chemistry

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 19 11:36:39 EST 2001 | billschreiber

Hello Mark, I wish it were that simple so I could direct you to a particular manufacturer and stencil cleaner model. Unfortunately, there are several issues complicating the process of cleaning all these applications in one machine. First and fore

0402's and Gluing.............

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 21:19:03 EST 2005 | Mrduckmann2000

Russ, We can not use a wave pallet, already went that route. We have parts next to the thru-hole pins and between thru-hole pins. I am going to try an experiment in the next day or so with solder mask. I plan to solder SMT parts on the back of se

Re: Buying stenciling and pick and place equipement.

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 20 13:39:08 EST 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

Hi Clarissa, seems to be a real start up situation you are in. For the printing there is IMO no need to buy any sophisticated automatic-vision-alignment-self-cleaning-inline-and-more-machine. Features you need: - adjustable in X-,Y-,Z-axis (individu

Crystalization on TI QFP and other fine pitch components

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 28 11:50:11 EDT 2010 | phase1

We are having a little trouble with what appears to be a crystalization between our fine pitch parts. The problem appears after a a thourough wash of the pcb when dry. It looks like lead wiskers/haze between the joints.We are using water soluable lea

Re: Cleaning under, around, and through tight spaces

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 12 17:40:01 EDT 1999 | Brian W.

| | | A question for you all! | | | | | | Back in the good old days, we didn't always know how clean was clean. Much has changed. Much hasn't. | | | | | | My question concerns cleaning under, through, and around tight spaces. Way back when, we coul

Re: Cleaning under, around, and through tight spaces

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 04:51:16 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

| | A question for you all! | | | | Back in the good old days, we didn't always know how clean was clean. Much has changed. Much hasn't. | | | | My question concerns cleaning under, through, and around tight spaces. Way back when, we could not clea

Stencil Bleed - Bridges and Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 05:45:16 EDT 2023 | dimamalin

First, this is the result of bad printer setup. Adjust knife pressure, PCB gap, separation speed, tooling, and stencil cleaning. Pay attention to the coating of contacts pad and height of solder mask of PCB.

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