Electronics Forum: penn (Page 1 of 1)

Polyimide discs for vacuum picks??

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 30 15:50:22 EDT 2013 | joeherz

Vince, We see the same disks on some parts incoming. SMT PEM nuts in tape and reel are very common. We get the parts from PENN Engineering. One of them is SMTSO-M3-4ET. PENN Engineering may be able to steer you in the right direction on who their

Novastar or Technical LeadFree Wave

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 13:00:08 EST 2006 | jdumont

Hi Paul, I have been to the Novastar mfg plant in Penn. and to a demo of the TD Nu Era model also in Penn at Advanced Competitiveness Institute. After seeing both we have decided to go with the TD model. Im not sure where you are located but the regi

Powered Screwdrivers

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 16:33:56 EDT 2005 | Kevin Nolan

Grant, My name is Kevin Nolan and I work for PennEngineering Fastening Technologies. Maker of Stickscrew and Stickscrew Installation Systems. If you would like to contact me at 800-523-5321 ext 1203 or knolan@pemnet.com I would gladly help you with a

Need advance soldering skill SMT BGA training

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 27 22:48:59 EDT 2008 | davef

Try: * SMT Plus; 14178 Pepperwood Dr, Penn Valley, CA 95946; 530.432.3806 F530.432.8746 http://www.smtplus.com sales@smtplus.com * STM Service To Mankind; Training Center, 4065 Clipper Ct, Fremont, CA 94538; 408-274-7119 http://www.stmtraining.com i

Printing on a pallet

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 25 07:45:41 EDT 2014 | emcglobaltechnologies

Good morning, I hope you are doing well today, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Wasserman and I am the Sales Manager for EMC Global Technologies. We manufacture fixtures and tooling for the processing of printed circuit board ass

wave machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 14:07:00 EST 2005 | davef

We're not in Chicago, nor are most of the used equipment contacts listed below. Why is that important? * Broome Engineering, 1010 Conklin Rd. Conklin NY 13748 607 779 5142 fax 7799 Lou Pixley Sales Engineer * Insertech 2398 N Penn Rd, Unit 3, Hatfie


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