Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 15:34:48 EDT 2000 | Craig
Does anybody know much about or had any experience with Samsung pick and place machines, in particular the CP45FV, CP40L and LV. They seem a cheaper option, but apart from the agents we cant find anyone with much to say about them.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 10:33:03 EST 2007 | fastek
Do a search on this site. These machines come up all the time in discussions.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 02:26:30 EST 2021 | baldoino
I would like to sell used pick and place feeders for Siplace. How can I offer them (70 x 8mm; 20 x 12/16; 05 x 24mm.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 08:57:34 EDT 2000 | CAL
We here at ACI run the CP20 or Manncorp version 2000.We are a Research and engineering Company with availablity for demonstrations. We actually love our system (Esp. the cost). Even though our machine is a low end machine we are placing advanced pack
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 14:12:28 EST 2021 | davef
In the navbar on the left margin, select "Used SMT Equipment" In the dropdown, select "Add Equipment" Complete the description form You're on
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 10:28:22 EST 2007 | chrisruizuci
i just wanted to get others input on the MyData TP9 and Philips Topaz. Any advise at all would be helpfull.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 21:08:25 EDT 2000 | Doug Philbrick
A friend of mine just installed his last week. So far he LOVES it, but then he is replacing Zevztech 460's and 570's almost anything would have been better. Ill ask him if he minds you calling him. If he doesn't Ill send you an email
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 06 11:12:57 EST 2008 | janz
Hello, One of our pick and place machine uses rietschel vaccum pump. It is making lot of noise. I am in searching alternative solution which could be venturi pumps. Does anyone has experince in changing vaccum pump to venturi system.? What should
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 13:27:07 EST 2008 | evtimov
Hi janz, you should be aware of everything. You are going to change subsystem on your machine. How much vacuum you need on the machine? Can you control the vacuum level with your system? Can you control the the system at all? Is it really much more
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 02:57:53 EDT 2018 | rob
Yes I would, most of our old Yamaha machines (before 2005) will do 30-35 microns @ 3 sigma with the fine camera option. Our Jukis with His res camera's will hit it too. You should be OK with most things after 1997 with the right camera choice (whic
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