Electronics Forum: power and requirement and for and reflow and oven (Page 1 of 1)

Pick and place machine for small productions. Any suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 12:29:57 EDT 2013 | deanm

What is your plan/budget for your reflow oven and paste printer? Those are equally important as a placement machine. Have you factored in other costs of in-house assembly such as inspection, moisture sensitive device storage, rework tools, cleaning p

Need low cost pick and place machine for limited production

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 17:36:44 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

You are looking for a complete SMT assembly line plus possible X-Ray inspection and rework equipment. The 3 components of the SMT line are stencil printer, pick-n-place machine and reflow oven. How small are your components? 0603? 0402? What is the


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