Electronics Forum: powr and up (Page 1 of 74)

SMT training classes and start up equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon May 04 16:34:13 EDT 1998 | Denis Desrochers, Manufacturing Engineer

We are just starting out with SMT. I need any and all the information you have. We are looking to start a small to mid range line.

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 13:31:36 EDT 2012 | jdengler

Have you tried to restart F4G and/or MCS/30 after flushing the CP4 memory? I have occasionally ran into the comm error after a reset start. Leave the machine on and restart F4G or the MCS/30 whichever normally is hooked up. If it still won't commu

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 19:13:33 EDT 2016 | darby

Thanks Sr. If you have zero tolerance for simul pick up in your component files then you will not have simul pick up due to variances in your head offsets. So you are saying that on your Juki you run a tolerance for 0201? All other head positions at

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 17:00:28 EDT 2012 | rodrigo

Hi all, Our cp4 moves rather violently (jerks) all axis when the reset sw is pressed after power up. I've got all sorts of errors after boot up: Servo amp error: D,X,Y, etc Overtravel D,X,Y, etc D clutch error, power off machine We've checked all

Re: SMT training classes and start up equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 08:34:02 EDT 1998 | John Ryder

Dennis, Consider that only Philips can offer complete flowline solutions and equipment to satisfy any requirement, from low volume through high. Check out our website at www.philips-ia.com or call 1-800-4-PHILIPS =JR=

Re: SMT training classes and start up equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 09:09:50 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| We are just starting out with SMT. I need any and all the information you have. We are looking to start a small to mid range line. I provide consultation for these requirements. Please contact if interested. Sincerely, Earl Moon pod@ix.netcom.com

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 15:21:12 EDT 2012 | jdengler

Have you tried to do a reset start? When Fuji's act weird the first place to start is a reset start, then re-load the Proper Status and Program. Jerry

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 10:48:58 EDT 2012 | cyber_wolf

Sounds like a bad or out of adjustment servo amp.....

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 01:50:44 EDT 2016 | darby

Dear Forumites, It's been a while, but I have a question. I was recently asked to provide a scenario on capacity if we retired two older lines and replaced with a new line. My capacity figures were based on real time production over a period of six

Re: SMT training classes and start up equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 23 11:23:25 EDT 1998 | Russ Miculich

You have addressed two separate issues. We are stencil printer manufacturers and equipment choices can be a real tricky and frustrating proposition if not prepared with training and understanding of the process first. I would heartily encourage you

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