Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 09:33:25 EST 2005 | davef
RoHS Substance||RoHS MCV Limits||Typical Testing Approaches Lead||1000 ppm* ||Wet chemical digestion followed by ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) or AAS (atomic absorption) spectroscopy ||||XRF (X-ray fluorescence) spectroscopy Cadmium||100 ppm ||Wet
Electronics Forum | Thu May 22 22:26:01 EDT 2003 | ChrisX
Hi Guys, Sorry for asking stupid questions. Are SPC, PPM and DPMO related to each other? Do they affect each other then? What is their inter relations? Can someone explain to me what are their purposes? thanks
Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 15:31:46 EDT 2003 | daanterstegge
Hi ChrisX, DPMO = number of defects per million opportunities. PPM (parts per million) is exactly the same, although the terminology is less clear about what it means. SPC(statistical process control) is a methodology based on statistical technique
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 00:47:42 EDT 2006 | sant
Hi Few weeks back for the similar thread I was enquiring about the performance of benchtop AOI. I did see the Saki m/c.It seems to be a good m/c with different technology. I have not bought yet. Looking to have more feedback. Any opinion about Saki
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 09:53:44 EDT 2001 | Brock
Stefan, I could be wrong but I have a question about every 10th board having a defect. If a machine places 1 million components and a the board has 200 components you arrive at 5000 boards. If every 10th board has a defect, then only 500 boards have
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 29 21:22:52 EDT 2002 | Yngwie
The customer said " The Nitrogen PPM is questionable". LIke what I said, as long as I have met the 10% RH, it should be OK, rite ? thx
Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 03:39:06 EDT 2003 | mantis
Hi Chris, I found this site to be very useful and explanitory while calculating the sigma level of or company. http://www.isixsigma.com/sixsigma/six_sigma.asp It has explanations on anything and everything process control related. Regards,
Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 20:57:00 EDT 2003 | iman
Here's a great book, "Six Sigma for Electronics Design And Manufacturing", by : Sammy G. Shina, Ph.D publisher : McGraw-Hill category : Professional Engineering
Electronics Forum | Tue May 12 10:03:12 EDT 2009 | daan_terstegge
Hi All, I see more and more components like QFN or LGA with bottom-only terminations,with landpatterns getting finer all the time. I have no ppm-figures of our process, but based on a benchmark study by Agilent I'd say that 500 ppm is a decent value
Electronics Forum | Wed May 20 17:00:56 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist
We just placed a 56 pin QFN, 1 per board, on 10 boards and had zero defects. A good paste job, proper placement and a correct oven profile are the keys. If these are set up correctly, on larger runs your defects won't be zero but they should be le