Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 07:29:33 EDT 2001 | zam_bri
I'm writing the procedure for buying off the stencil. Can someone help to guide me on the most effective way of doing this job. Other than tension, mylar matching, dimensional checks, what are things that I need to consider. Pls help & thank you in a
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 09 05:21:38 EST 2006 | jnaligan
hams, whats the result?
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 08:28:27 EDT 2001 | Cal
ZAM_BRI- I don't know how effective this may be but some points to include in the buy-off procedure: Before submitting the PO for the stencil you may also want to do a CAD to Stencil comparison to verify correct apertures.There are SW packages and co
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 09:05:50 EDT 2001 | davef
check the fine SMTnet Archives for a similar thread http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=320Message2429&
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 06 08:38:20 EDT 2001 | CAL
ZAM- Also check out our Feb empfasis (www.empf.org). We just published an article on stencils. Hope that helps
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 21:00:31 EST 2006 | hanocete
thanks for your inputs,but what i meant was that a connector component beside the BGA for repair has some flux residue on its leads after baking, the BGA was Ok. we are wondering why this happened...pls enlightened us.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 18:28:20 EST 2006 | hanocete
Thank you very much for your reply, we'll try to perform your advice. I'll feedback you soon for the results. 'till then...
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 29 22:41:29 EST 2006 | hanocete
We have a current problem on our packages after we bake it for 24 hrs prior BGA rework. Flux or white residues found on the connector leads and terminals that cause not contact problems during mating. Could you help us how to clean the fluxes properl
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 21:43:08 EST 2006 | davef
So, after the repair of a BGA, you notice white reside on a nearby connector. Correct? [Sorry we're so dense. Long day.] Tell us about: * Flux class used in repair * Flux class used in original assembly Why are you baking the assembly after repair
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 01:32:47 EST 2006 | hanocete
thanks for your reply, actually we bake the PCB assembly prior the rework because the package was exposed for quite some time already. The baking time was 24hrs @ 125 deg.C. We notice that there were flux residues on the connectors after the baking.