Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 10:40:46 EST 2001 | franciscoioc
I have a datapaq 2000 profiler with a version 1.31 software and it saids it can only be used with windows 3.1. Does anyone have a copy of a later version software that i can use on windows 98 for this profiler.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 15:19:16 EDT 2011 | dan_ems
Have somebody experience with profiling vapor phase? I must buy a profiler and is very hard for me to decide what to buy. Please help me with a advice. Thanks you.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 20 11:44:35 EDT 2011 | pbarton
We do the same as LarryD. All the profilers I have seen that have thermal jackets deemed capable of going through and helping the logger survive the VP process have a lot of mass. This mass will affect the profile considerably.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 17 03:23:33 EST 2014 | cunningham
Does anyone have a company that can do wash profiler? I want something similar to thermal profilers like your Kik and Datapaq but obviously it needs to be water proof. I want to measure temperature and pressure from the jets as part of a weekly SPC
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 18 14:37:33 EDT 2011 | ldavis
We use the same profiler for convection and VP. For VP you just have to be very careful as the thermocouple wires must travel through the machine so cannot get "snagged" on anything as they go in or come out.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 29 14:36:01 EDT 1998 | Claudio Carnevali
We are an italian electronic company and we assembly th & smd (http:\\www.mobilia.it\egs). We know that you need a thermal profiler but without sopending a fortune. We made TOM300 and easy & powerful profiler that you can buy at about 1,600 USD compl
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 14:54:39 EDT 1999 | Jason Gregory
Does anyone out there involved in RF manufacture have any experience with the KIC Slim-Kic profiler? Do you find any interference problems between the RF transmissions and the testing of your products. We build primarily high-freq stuff like point-to
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 10 17:10:52 EDT 1999 | mike weekes
| Does anyone out there involved in RF manufacture have any experience with the KIC Slim-Kic profiler? Do you find any interference problems between the RF transmissions and the testing of your products. We build primarily high-freq stuff like point-
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 09:20:53 EDT 2014 | neiderman
There are a few companies that sell the pressure senors and software to data-log and map the coverage and pressure of fluid spraying systems.However they tend to be expensive. If you would like the link please send me an email and I would be happy to
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 13:04:47 EST 2001 | Ken Lester
Francisco; I have had reasonable success with running 3.1 software against the MKCompat.exe file located in the Windows System directory. Try a web search to find out how to do this. This may help. i'm sorry I don't know the software well enough to