Electronics Forum: programs (Page 1 of 403)

CSM programs offline

Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 18:10:48 EDT 2004 | adrnbntz

Any one knows a program that help programing the placement on a CSM84 philips machine????

Juki programs to Ascii

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 03:24:23 EDT 2022 | sarason

"Programming" from Ealead can do that for you https://ealead-e.ucoz.com/ sarason

Juki programs to Ascii

Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 11:13:59 EDT 2022 | ilavu

We have all Universal Instruments placement machines and one of our customer provided placement programs as pick and place file for new job. Is there anyway to extract ascii(pick and Place) file from Juki placement programs with extension .E47 and .E

Juki programs to Ascii

Electronics Forum | Tue May 17 01:32:34 EDT 2022 | sarason

Another method would be to do a screen dump on a Juki 2070,2080 machine, but that gets you back to the chicken and egg scenario. My program PCBSynergy doesn't reverse out the board file from a machine file while Ealead does . Also the programs EPU, F

Juki programs to Ascii

Electronics Forum | Mon May 30 10:06:03 EDT 2022 | leeg1

If you have the HLC software you can recombine programs and output the pick and place file as a text file

Juki programs to Ascii

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 19:12:58 EDT 2022 | ilavu

Thanks for the reply. I will try and will update.

Juki programs to Ascii

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 16 03:32:55 EDT 2022 | leaderway0

AI/SMT spare parts and SMT equipment vendors from China-Leaderway Industrial Co., Ltd. The main distribution brands are Fuji, Samsung, Juki, Yamaha, Universal, Panasonic, Siemens, and Sony. Our websites: http://www.leadersmt.com Contact us !!! Email

software to produce assembly programs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 06 09:10:02 EST 2007 | ralphspm

What would be the best software packages available to produce assembly programs from basic gerber data?I'm using FUJI CP3 & IP1 M/C's with fujiflexa software.

software to produce assembly programs

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 13 16:54:29 EST 2007 | unisoft

Hi Try Unisoft (founded 1986) they are reasonibly priced and program your assembly machine from either gerber or CAD - 203-913-0782. The software you need is called ProntoPLACE ( http://www.unisoft-cim.com/pcbplace.htm ). Programs and optimizes P

Mydata PNP programs using excel?

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 16:03:11 EST 2007 | jaimebc

Thanks for the info dyoungquist, I appreciate it.

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