Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 08:17:57 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
Parts that are the same size can share the same extent #. If you are placing 100 different 0805 components you will need only 1 extent.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 07:41:19 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
Yes, what you are thinking is correct. Assuming an 0805 capacitor parts that are picked from the front and back of the machine will be picked at 0 theta. Parts that are on the left or right will be picked at a 90 theta. This way they can all share th
Electronics Forum | Wed May 04 21:32:30 EDT 2011 | jimlas53
Thanks for the answer, RLM, I couldn't find anything in the manual that was helpful. If I use a common extent for each component type, I need to identify those components that may be turned due to the feed type (tape, vibe). Is this where I would d
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 17:59:19 EDT 2011 | jimlas53
As I continue to add more components/feeders to our assembler, I add a new laser align extent for every pick. But if components are standardized (like 0805, SOT-23) is it necessary to have all individual extents or just an extent for each type? Thi
Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 07:29:55 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
You got it. You are aware that Quad defines the theta by steps. 0 = 0, 90 = 6000, 180 = 12000 and 270 = 18000.
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 15:00:53 EDT 2011 | bobpan
Sorry about taking so long to respond.......The quadalign is a retrofit. You cant just buy a quad-align and mount it on the machine. There is different firmware,cables,and other stuff. Good luck
Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 09:39:26 EDT 2011 | leemeyer
Sorry but I have never worked with a machine that has the Cyberoptics system. Have you tried talking to PPM (www.goppm.com), They have been very helpful to me.
Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 07:03:16 EDT 2011 | jimlas53
Thanks for the suggestion, Bobpan. I'll start looking for a replacement coax cable. Would we be better off to look for a Quadalign system and replace the Cyberoptic unit? Doug
Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 10:18:43 EDT 2011 | bobpan
Hello Doug, There is no tuning up of the cyber-unit. From the symptoms you describe......sounds like the white cable that plugs into the cyber is intermittent. Maybe you can find one somewhere and try that. The cyber unit is a closed assy. and was ma
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 15:50:52 EDT 2011 | jimlas53
Yes, it looks like it would involve quite a bit... I guess it partly depends on finding the hardware/firmware, possibly from a donor machine. But it might not be worth the cost. At the moment I'm running all product on the first machine with Quada