Electronics Forum: quad ivc series and q series (Page 1 of 4)

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 20:15:23 EDT 2004 | Ken

My Machine guy was a 4 year ex-quad Service Engineer. Prior to that he spent 6 years in a CM programming and servicing quads from QX toQ3c/4c q100 series. These are opinions. Nothing more. I have noticed that the smallest players in the market

SMTECH pro's and con's

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 18:17:16 EDT 2001 | ianlg

Hi Barry Unable to assist on specifics but I can tell you that some 74 100is machines were built. The majority residing in China Imported in by Wong King Kong Ltd ( Johnson lee Tel 00852 2357 8888 ) Most are at either Flextronics or Roslare. You mi

Mydata Pick and place

Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 12:07:52 EDT 2001 | caldon

My personal favorite is the Siemens F series and the UIC GSM platform. Both Siemens and UIC have awesome resources for csp, flipchip and baredie processing - Siemens= Dan Baldwin from GaTech; UIC = George Westby from UIC labs. My second choice would

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 22:20:17 EDT 2004 | Don

Dr. Lou, I wouldn't recommend the Quad QSP series. A stated before it's old tech, and the feeders are junk. If your looking at Tyco (Quad), they have a new Mirae 1025P platform. It's very competitive performance/price against Assembleon and the li

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 02 16:33:08 EDT 2004 | davem

Fuji is the best, but there are other alternatives besides Quad. If you really want to look at Fuji, take a peek at their XP142E series. With "Vision processing on the fly" and a "Mini Turret Head" with 12 placement nozzles it should fit your needs n

Quad IVc Feeder Base Electrical

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 12:16:46 EST 2012 | leemeyer

I read back through your post. It seems that you do not have bases that belong with the 4C machine. I think that you have bases for Q series machines. That would explain why the connectors don't fit. You say that there are blocks on the feeder base.

Quad IIIc/IVc programming question

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 11 11:59:43 EDT 2005 | bobpan

no problem. Tell them to check old 'q-tips' and i believe it was called 'c-series odd placement' and there is a basic 'how to' on doing multi-rotated boards. Its not easy and could frustrate you but it will definatly work.

Quad IIIc/IVc programming question

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 20:49:27 EDT 2005 | bobpan

Quad/Tyco should have some old 'q-tips' on programming help for that type of board on a 'c-series machine'that i wrote a long time ago. I cant remember anymore exactly how to help you but they should have some paperwork on doing it. It also is a 'sli

Check out a new Q

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 11 06:59:20 EST 1998 | Jim Mitchell

Scott - Good to see things are going well for you. With regard to your comments, Quad has introduced a complete line of Semi-conductor/APT machines (Q Series) that support both SMT and Semi-conductor applications. The machines were introduced in 19

Quad IVc Part rejection issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 16 14:29:00 EDT 2012 | bobpan

Sounds to me like a dirty quad-align. If you have cleaned the lens and have the same results then you may have dirt on the inside of the quad-align. The only fix is to replace it or blow it out with an air gun. Unfortunately it is not easy to tell if

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