Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 14:30:09 EST 2008 | operator
Additionally, I have seen the bad align error from incorrect pickup Z. Quad align can freak out sometimes if it sees something it doesn't like. If all else fails I just reboot and 99% of the time the problem goes away.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 13:02:35 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
Thanks for the info. I called Mike Tieman earlier and he recommended I do the exact same things. He said that there should be very little resistance on the theta of the Z-rods, (not the case) so he recommended that the P4 head be replaced. Mike is
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 14:26:52 EST 2008 | operator
I have seen the bad alignment error many times and never had to replace the head for it. It usually has something to do with the laser windows being dirty or cracked. Also it could be your profile settings. Make sure all of these things are perfect b
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 12:35:24 EST 2008 | bobpan
Here is a few things to try.... 1. Spin the z-shaft with your fingers and make sure it is smooth and easy to turn. 2. Check your handling in your profile for the part that the software is locking up on.......You cannot go any slower than 40% or this
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 11:28:47 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
Help! Since last Friday i have been having issues with a Quad qsv-1, it all started with a quad align error, i found there to be a small quantity of grease covering the lenses on both quad align sensors. I wiped the grease off and then everything s
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 23 15:13:54 EST 2008 | tbkonrad
It's not the z pickup or profile bot thanks for the help, I think Mike is right. I have used these profiles hundreds if not thousands of times in the past and never had an issue. Also it was different components and different profiles almost every ti
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 14:32:59 EST 2006 | mazink
Hello BOb, Sorry, I wasn't getting your responed because i wasn't log in completlt. I sent an email yesterday which is as follow.. I have a quad machine (QSV 1 PLUS) here and I been having problem with it since 2 month. massege keep coming says 1) B
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 13:16:49 EST 2006 | mazink
Hello BOb, Sorry, I wasn't getting your responed because i wasn't log in completlt. I sent an email yesterday which is as follow.. I have a quad machine (QSV 1 PLUS) here and I been having problem with it since 2 month. massege keep coming says 1) B
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 03 12:53:19 EST 2006 | MazinK
Hello BobPan, I sent you a message yesterday ! I was wondering !did you get it regarding QSV 1 Plus. Please Advise!