Electronics Forum: quad qsv-1 rt boot disk (Page 1 of 1)

Quad QSV-1

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 21:25:19 EDT 2015 | ngineer

I have a quad qsv-1 machine that I'm trying to get up and running. I cannot get past the Q-Soft part where it wants to create an RT boot disk. I put my 1.44M floppy in drive A:, hit enter, it says it's creating the boot disk and then errors out say

Quad QSV-1

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 05:55:56 EDT 2015 | bobpan

There are known problems trying to create the boot disk if its the older quad software. Contact me through: www.precision-repairs.com I might be able to help you. Bob

Quad QSV-1 - Several TEP1 faults during Startup

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 08 11:04:48 EDT 2019 | btfonseca

Hi everyone, I was recently trying to troubleshoot a bad floppy driver on our QSV-1, which actually worked, I was able to read floppy drives but for some reason it all went downhill when one of the green LED's turned off and another red LED turned on


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