Electronics Forum: recheck (Page 1 of 2)

Topaz-Xii Error Code 30

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 24 10:58:15 EDT 2015 | chris_jayconsystems_com

I have checked and rechecked all my dimensions on the capacitor which is a 402 size. The manual says that the center is incorrect. Need some help to figure out why it is throwing this part away seeing it passes a vision test. Any help would be gratef

QFN welding problem by reflux oven 10 zones

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 10:31:20 EST 2020 | emeto

Values and range definitions on your profile attachment are for LF paste not for Tin Lead. Please recheck and redefine, so we get the correct values. Also, which location is the QFN?

DEK265 alignment out of range

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 31 09:25:18 EDT 2020 | emeto

If you believe your picture is in the middle and is not skewed, than go to your basics and recheck your fiducial locations and detection. Sometimes these machines recognize something around and give you this error. Try program with isolated pads and

BGA Shorts?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 01:34:51 EST 1999 | Joe Cameron

Hello all, Are BGA's easy to develope shorts? If a process is stable and all of a sudden you get BGA's shorting out on you, what might be problems? We've checked our solder paste amount, and we've rechecked our reflow profiles and nothing has chan

BGA Solder Short

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 06:48:56 EDT 2023 | kirill

Use T5 solder paste Make sure you dont have too much paste, usually 1 time printing instead of 2. Make sure the component is baked before production. Re-check your profile on the reflow. Could be also a bad pcb edit, nothing you can do there.

Printing off contact

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 13 11:20:59 EST 2007 | cevans MPM printer specialist

Off contact is generaly less favourable than on contact printing. print height becomes a issue towards the edge or foil clamps. If you Had little or no issues with your previous board vendor re-check your specs you supplied to your current vendor. If

universal dual head (axial)

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 18:03:52 EDT 2007 | fnorradd

Thanks for all of the informations guys, after spending some time rechecking the set ups and checking for worn components in case there was something i missed, i then took some time whilst an operator ran the machine to watch. Whilst doing this i no

MPM UP2000

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 10:10:34 EDT 2015 | swag

We used to have a UP3000. Long time ago so I'm rusty but isn't there a setting for fid correction that you an program to occur after each board or after 5, 10, etc.? I thought I remembered doing offsets on ours as the camera was a little wacky (old

GSM2 spindles Not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 13:09:12 EDT 2015 | ercdave1

Hello Rob, I was able to get the machine to zero, apparently replacing the circuit board on head 2 conflicted with head one even matching the jumper settings to the old board. Once I marked the head as not mounted, head 1 zeroed. I re-checked the ju

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 15:37:35 EST 2019 | emeto

Hello, I have a capacitor that doesn't form intermetallic joint with SAC 305 solder paste.The board is ENIG. Solder melts and forms good intermetallic joint with the PCB finish. However, capacitor can be removed with physical force - it looks like a

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