Electronics Forum: reflow profiles (Page 1 of 261)

Hybrid reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 03 16:19:22 EDT 2005 | Amol

for backward compatibility applications (such as this), the higher melting temperature alloy (LF alloy) gets the priority in selecting the reflow profile. you are using too low temps for reflow. your LF alloy wont reflow at these temp and you will e

Hybrid reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 03 12:28:33 EDT 2005 | russ

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Hybrid reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 01 01:04:47 EDT 2005 | ck

I face a problem where the components termination is non lead free but solder alloy is lead free. Thus i am using hybrid reflow profile. The specs for the reflow profile i am using: reflow temp. 120 to 160 deg C; time 90 to 120 sec. As for the pak te

Hybrid reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 03:16:14 EDT 2005 | grantp

Hi, I thought it was extreemly bad to use lead based parts with lead free solder? Regards, Grant

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 10:01:03 EDT 2012 | patrickbruneel


01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 20:04:24 EDT 2012 | hegemon

6 or 7 replies and 3 *flamer* ratings already? And here I thought this was good info above...

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 21:09:29 EDT 2012 | isd_jwendell

I haven't worked with anything as small as 01005s, but something you didn't mention is the %metal of your paste. I just switch from 90% to 89.5% (AIM NC257-2) and could tell the difference. Just an idea...

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 21:20:59 EDT 2012 | action_101

Interesting thought. Our paste is 89.2% according to the data sheet I have, but it still might be worth trying the 84-86% syringe blend. Thanks for the suggestion.

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 12:31:23 EDT 2012 | markhoch

*Like* (There should be a way to "Like" or "Dislike" replies so that other Engineers can agree or disagree with a response. Doens't this sound like a good idea?)

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 16:52:07 EDT 2012 | hegemon

Hey Frazzled, you mean you don't prefer the back and forth flaming wars when someone disagrees with an opinion? How about "Agree" & "Disagree" for starters. Later we can add "YGTBK"(you got to be kidding), and "WP" (Wrong Planet) Great idea Frazz

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