Electronics Forum: register (Page 1 of 37)

8 bit transformer register output

Electronics Forum | Sun May 22 23:33:16 EDT 2005 | Thaqalain

An 8 bit transformer register has output voltage of LHLHLHLH,What will be the equivalent decimal # stored?

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 23:29:52 EDT 2011 | vms

Any input on this machine good or bad would be help ful, thanks

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 17 16:59:23 EDT 2011 | rway

You can always go to the source. http://www.vitechnology.com/

does any one know if you must register a ViTech 5000 AOI machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 07:47:28 EDT 2011 | edmaya33

Any input on this machine good or bad would be > help ful, thanks This is a Good machine. 5K AOI Perform machine is easy to program and had a built in inline defect viewer. Low false failure/call compare to other platform. Able to detect skew, bri

Old threads

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 09:19:17 EDT 2002 | bdoyle

well you're already registered, there wouldn't be a need to re-register. You can tell who is registered and who is not by their posting name. If it is a link and has the profile head next to it they are registered.


Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 30 17:26:52 EST 2011 | dilogic

You must be registered user (register at least one machine) to get access to the web site.

ISO Registered vs ISO Certified

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 11:55:52 EDT 2015 | dyoungquist

When looking at EMS company websites, some say they are "ISO Registered" while others say "ISO Certified". What is the difference between ISO Registered and ISO Certified?

ISO Registered vs ISO Certified

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 08:39:04 EDT 2015 | markhoch

A Google Search of your question led me to this: What is the difference between ISO registered vs. certified? The words are used interchangeably, but a company registers for ISO 9001. (This came from the FAQ Section of http://www. 9001resource. co

Register A New Install Of GemLine PPS v8? 2015

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 13:06:27 EDT 2015 | opto22

It is still possible to register a new install of Gemline PPS version 8? The last time I did this it was 2010 and now when I send an email to register to support.software.emt@philips.com the email just bounces back. Any help, even a "it's not possi

Search function

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 05 12:18:10 EDT 2023 | jdengler

You may need to go to smtnet.com. This is were the forum is hosted and that will get you the ability to search. I looked at the SMTA site and I do not see any way to search from there. I don't think you need to register there to search. You do ne

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