Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 11:30:03 EDT 2004 | Tim Lawrence
Hi I came across this article while writing a paper. I don't know if it's the first, but it is early wave soldering: W L Oates, "Automatic Soldering Machines for Printed Circuit Board Assemblies", IRE National Convesntion Record, Vol. 6, No. 6, pa
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 11:54:18 EST 2006 | Rob.
Hi Patrick, I'm patriotic to a point & that doesn't include supporting crap decisions, & those that have handled the ROHS & WEEE implementation have been beyond useless & should be locked in a lead lined room with Roman plumbing. Yes we need to r
Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 21:05:58 EDT 2006 | Wizard of Oz Tin Man
"Solder alloy compositions are numerous but the most important are still the tin lead solders which were used by the Romans. Tin melts at around 232�C and lead at about 327�C in the combination 62Sn 38Pb the resulting alloy melts at 183�C. This compo
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 11:12:06 EST 2006 | patrickbruneel
You�re a good man Rob and a good patriot, you defend your governments decisions even if they're wrong. Isn't the WEEE directive aimed at preventing electronics ending up in a landfill? This immediately takes away the leaching arguments and is a great
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 12 17:57:42 EST 2008 | chef
I must ask the silly question- are you sure you deposited the correct amount of paste? Depending on aperature design-the voiding could come from a stencil that has its holes partially built up with old paste. If paste volume is guaranteed, then what
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 19:53:30 EDT 2000 | Dave F
See this is great!!! Ask one question, get a different answer from each responder ... cool!!! My turn ... There�s an old expression � the head of a dead fish starts to stink first. What that has to do with question, I don�t know. May be you do.
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