Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 27 14:17:30 EST 1998 | Doug Romm
Dave, I have had several people who have read this series of conversations ask me if I know what company you work for. Are you willing to provide the name of your company and your e-mail address for anyone that wishes to correspond with you? Thanks,
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 21:42:12 EST 2000 | Dave F
Hey Bud: Moved from that Bi-crap to something serious, eh? Several things: 1 Get in touch with Doug Romm (drom@msg.ti.com) at Texas Instruments. He talks palladium. 2 Review the archives on Palladium. 3 I think you're running light on temps. Eut
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 21:42:12 EST 2000 | Dave F
Hey Bud: Moved from that Bi-crap to something serious, eh? Several things: 1 Get in touch with Doug Romm (drom@msg.ti.com) at Texas Instruments. He talks palladium. 2 Review the archives on Palladium. 3 I think you're running light on temps. Eut
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 09 17:18:44 EST 1999 | Russ
Ron, I'll bet you have the Ni/Pd finsh on these components! We have had the same problem in our shop. Not knowing the Kester spec. we had to raise the max temp to 220 Deg. C and increase the time above liquidous to 60 seconds or greater. It seem
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 09:40:31 EST 1998 | Doug Romm
Steve, TI does not produce any SOTs using Palladium finish leadframes. I would certainly be interested to know who is. Also, your observations are correct: In TI experience the mechanical strength of the solder joints with Pd finish ICs is alw
Electronics Forum | Thu May 09 17:16:16 EDT 2002 | davef
Russ makes a good point. While your profile probably meets your paste supplier recommendations, it may not be proper for the component. * Paste suppliers offer general recommendations for tin / lead interconnects. You need to modify that for board
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 22:18:37 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| I am attemping to gather as much information on the issues with and progress in solutions for manufacturing Pb free products in response to European initiatives (WEEE). I am intereested in component issues with As Made lead terminations (no Sn/Pb)
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 10:17:26 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | I am attemping to gather as much information on the issues with and progress in solutions for manufacturing Pb free products in response to European initiatives (WEEE). I am intereested in component issues with As Made lead terminations (no Sn/P
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 10:29:34 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| | | I am attemping to gather as much information on the issues with and progress in solutions for manufacturing Pb free products in response to European initiatives (WEEE). I am intereested in component issues with As Made lead terminations (no Sn
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 23 11:35:10 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | | | I am attemping to gather as much information on the issues with and progress in solutions for manufacturing Pb free products in response to European initiatives (WEEE). I am intereested in component issues with As Made lead terminations (no