Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 26 22:47:14 EDT 2006 | seth
I have problem with RV/D axis counting error. I have tried several things, but it just doesn't help. These are the things I had tried 1. Check all 12 segment for dirty. 2. Check DP motor for proper operation. 3. Replaced reader. In order for me to pe
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 09:48:16 EDT 2006 | john_smith
Seth, have you tried the zero point on the star?
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 30 11:50:22 EDT 2006 | john_smith
Do the sleeves spin freely in the segment? Could also be that the reader needs to be readjusted.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 06:39:13 EDT 2006 | john_smith
Good Job!!
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 17:12:48 EDT 2006 | seth
My problem solved. I had to re-adjusted the reader,
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 17:18:43 EDT 2006 | seth
Yes, I have but if I don't then I won't be able to reference run.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 21:33:58 EDT 2006 | seth
What is the distance from the reader to the segment, and can you use a filler gauge to set the gap or is there a special tool needed?
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 11:54:31 EDT 2022 | proceng1
To me, it sounds like your axis servo is losing steps. Can you get through the calibration steps? Hanwha is who we use for service. I'd say call them if you don't want to just throw parts at it.
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 05:44:39 EDT 2022 | spacecase
Hello all, I was looking at a Samsung SM421-f component placing machine and it's throwing up an error that was not described in the troubleshooting guide. Anytime I try to move the camera or home it the machine stops and the screen says that a skew e
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 22:31:48 EDT 2022 | sarason
Broken wire connecting to the encoder on your servo, or anyware else in the feedback loop?, bent up encoder? sarason