Electronics Forum: rvd (Page 1 of 1)

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 26 22:47:14 EDT 2006 | seth

I have problem with RV/D axis counting error. I have tried several things, but it just doesn't help. These are the things I had tried 1. Check all 12 segment for dirty. 2. Check DP motor for proper operation. 3. Replaced reader. In order for me to pe

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 09:48:16 EDT 2006 | john_smith

Seth, have you tried the zero point on the star?

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 30 11:50:22 EDT 2006 | john_smith

Do the sleeves spin freely in the segment? Could also be that the reader needs to be readjusted.

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 17:12:48 EDT 2006 | seth

My problem solved. I had to re-adjusted the reader,

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 06:39:13 EDT 2006 | john_smith

Good Job!!

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 17:18:43 EDT 2006 | seth

Yes, I have but if I don't then I won't be able to reference run.

RV/D axis counting error. (S20)

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 21:33:58 EDT 2006 | seth

What is the distance from the reader to the segment, and can you use a filler gauge to set the gap or is there a special tool needed?

Rolling Table Z-axis

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 29 10:05:28 EST 2009 | soudomphong

I am looking for rolling table z-axis p/n 00320165-02. for rv-d head siemens S20. Anyone know where to get it or have it, please contact me via email seth.oudomphong@variosystems.com Thank you. Seth


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