Electronics Forum: saki and 19

AOI selection,specifically ViTechnology and Mirtec

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 00:47:42 EDT 2006 | sant

Hi Few weeks back for the similar thread I was enquiring about the performance of benchtop AOI. I did see the Saki m/c.It seems to be a good m/c with different technology. I have not bought yet. Looking to have more feedback. Any opinion about Saki

Buying 1 or 2 Post reflow AOI and 1 Pre reflow AOI

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 06 02:55:10 EST 2015 | arct1c

Hi, we are looking for 1 or 2 new postreflow AOI machines to replace our old ones and possibly 1 prereflow AOI(we never had pre reflow before). In our company we run low volumes and high volumes. I have been looking at Viscom, Mirtec mostly, Cyberop

Buying 1 or 2 Post reflow AOI and 1 Pre reflow AOI

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 10 15:25:37 EST 2015 | 31258

Good morning RedChili, This is Marvin from Saki America. I came across your post and I noticed that you are interested on 3D-AOI and 2D-AOI machines. We can offer pre-reflow and post-reflow full 3D-AOI and 2D-AOI for you needs. IF you have any ques


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