Electronics Forum: sales (Page 1 of 160)

sales rep's in Argentina

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 14:31:09 EST 2000 | Scott McAnall

I have been asked to find a sales rep organization in Argentina. Does anyone out there have anyone, we manufacture selective soldering and solderability test systems.

Used equipment sales

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 14:24:12 EDT 2003 | Pete C

Try posting your request on the Equipment Mart of this web site. I'm sure you will get many replies.

Used equipment sales

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 15:45:05 EDT 2003 | adlsmt

If your boards are 18"X18", what size magazines are you using? Most unloaders only handle 18"x18" magazines. If thats what you want I have Panasonic and Fuji unloaders for $2,000.00/ea I am an end user not a broker.

Used equipment sales

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 24 13:35:11 EDT 2003 | cnotebaert

Ok, I have been trying to purchase a magazine unloader (front of line to load brds into smt equip) from 3 different used equipment manufacturers. I have been hounding them for 4-5 weeks to get me a quote. They all tell me they have them but I have no

Re: sales rep's in Argentina

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 21 10:02:05 EST 2000 | Alden

You might try the following: Electronica Asesores Felix Cohen Tel: 011-54-1-373-0545 Fax: 011-54-1-373-0542 Macom Juan Pena Tel: 011-54-1-375-5120 Fax: 011-54-1-374-2439

Re: sales rep's in Argentina

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 21:05:30 EST 2000 | Dave F

Scott: I don't know anyone, but if I had to find one I'd start by trying to finagle leads from either of these guys: Electronics Representatives Association 444 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 1960 Chicago, IL 60611 312.527.3050 Fax 3783 info@era.org ... er

Comment on SMT research and WP sales

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 16:26:50 EDT 1998 | Ben Salisbury

I use both companies, and happen to hit witch ever one can get me the cheapest price. As far as customer service, both are incredible. As far as services, each has it's strong points over the other. Give both a call and decide for your self... which

Re: Fond Farwell II (Why I hate aggresive sales and marketing)

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 18 01:58:23 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

Just to further explain myself a bit, and why I hate being bombarded by advertisements, is because I think others (sales and marketing people) are trying to manipulate me. Why do I think that? Say if you have 5 pick and place salesmen, 1 from Fuj

Re: Fond Farwell II (Why I hate aggresive sales and marketing)

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 13:05:31 EDT 1999 | Bob

Steve, Like you, I am sick, sick, sick of marketing. I can't go on the Internet, to a ball game or my local 7-11 without being bombarded with marketing. 7-11? Would you belive I went there to buy a Sunday paper yesterday and now they have a 27" mo

Zeva 460 for sale

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 27 09:44:06 EST 1998 | Steve Schrader

We have one Zevatech 460 with feeders for sale. If interested contact me, steve@patton.com

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