Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 23 05:21:09 EST 2016 | spectrumsmt
Hi Rick, we sell a very good after market recalibration jig which is available to calibrate most makes including Samsung. We also sell nozzles and feeders! Please get in touch or have a look at the website spectrumsmt.com All the best Ian
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 12:03:37 EST 2016 | rfm2nd
would anyone possibly have the calibration jigs to be used in calibrating the cp-45 and/or the cp-60 machines from Samsung?
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 12:04:24 EST 2016 | rfm2nd
would anyone possibly have the calibration jigs to be used in calibrating the cp-45 and/or the cp-60 machines from Samsung?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 08:11:27 EST 2019 | tomazicrok3
hello i have samsung cp40cv and this errors comes up can someone help me. vision communication error(1000)(1000), no sequence-finished from handler(%1), no command response from handler (0x2002).
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 02:03:51 EST 2019 | bukas
try first to replace SYS folder, or one by one of its files. if that doesnt work you are looking at complete disk backup. and check disk for bad sectors ofc
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 09:49:43 EST 2019 | bobpan
This is going from my memory from a long time ago...but in the scp.ini file....there could be digital light control and/or a matrix tray handler setting. I would turn them off if they are on. I believe this has something to do with a system setting.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 07:25:09 EDT 2015 | buckcho
Hello, I haven't worked with such machine, but do you have a led lighting, like in cp45, which is newer? Maybe there is something wrong with it and it is not lighting up?
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 09:04:54 EDT 2015 | fcmtechnician
HI are the LED from Ilumination on?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 10:27:01 EDT 2015 | risorse_new
Goodmornin I have a problem with the fixing and move cameras, i don't see the image of the cameras on the screen. On the monitor i see the cross and letter, but i can no see on the black box the camera images. I know the problem is on the ADDA Board.
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 18:40:43 EDT 2006 | darby
Seeing you are already using Quad; I'd look at a Samsung CP-45V. I believe your feeders will be compatible but please cheeck to make sure! These are a six head, on the fly machine that will do just about anything you want apart from gripper applicat