Electronics Forum: schleuniger (Page 1 of 1)

Cable Assembly Machines???

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 27 16:37:21 EDT 2007 | darburch

B Try this one they should have a rep in your area. http://www.schleuniger.com/

Cable Assembly Machines???

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 28 07:47:24 EDT 2007 | davef

Many equipment suppliers sell used / refurbished equipment. Amoung wire stripper / preparation machine suppliers are: * Artos Engineering; PO Box 1650, Waukesha, WI 53187; 262-524-6600 F 262-524-0400 artosnet.com * Eraser; 6734 Townline Rd, Mattyda

cutting shrink tube

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 17:31:44 EDT 2022 | stephendo

I don't know if they make a shrink tube cutting machines, but Schleuniger makes a good wire cutting/stripping machine.

Re: Reliable counting equipment for SMT components required

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 06 15:27:50 EST 2000 | Christopher Lampron

Damian, I have used the Schleuniger, Inc. CC-15 components counter. This is a hand crank operated instruments that counts the holes in the carrier tape. It is simple to operate and set up. We have found the accuracy to be upwards of 98% providing th

CS9100 wire cut/strip machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 08 17:07:15 EDT 2013 | wsdauchy

We have 2 CS9100 Schleuniger wire cut/strip machines. They do not have the DISPLAY/PC switch on the back of the CPU card. THe two machines come up PC mode. Any one know of a jumper setting on the CPU board that will allow the machnies to run in DI

Re: Component Counter - THT!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 01 22:56:58 EDT 2000 | Dave F

CK: Awww, just think how easy this is gonna be to make those others that wouldn't take this on look like whimps. Pass the ketchup please ... Bag the reps, they're good for lunch, but that's about it. Your equipment could have been made by a compa

Tape/Reel Counter

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 14:24:26 EDT 2010 | davef

See, the bean counters are taking over. They've got you out there counting flyshit. Chip parts aren't worth the time it takes to count them, even with a counterometer. Watch out!!! Next thing they'll have you doing is sweeping-up misplaces, figurin


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