Electronics Forum: screen (Page 1 of 249)

screen thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 25 14:40:36 EST 2012 | gaz

We are using 6 mil screens, and these boards have 0603,SOT23 and SOD523. Seems like we could use *more* paste, not less on a lot of these components, so does it make sense to get a thinner screen? Wouldn't this mean we'd get less paste?

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 02 16:09:51 EST 2004 | Stefan

Hallo question to people who had experience with two screen printers: MPM new one Microflex and DEK 248. Which in your opinion is better for fine pitch application and meintance. Second qiestion does anyone knows something about KISTech screen print

screen thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 25 16:18:12 EST 2012 | wrongway

Your uising 6 mil thick screen on 0603 and sot-23 and you think you need more paste? when i use a 6 mil screen on a sot-23 and 0603 it is almost to much paste. 5 mill does just fine on those parts but if you think you need more paste then don't go t

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 23 02:57:26 EDT 2015 | rgarcia0626

Why not MPM Printer?

screen thickness

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 23 21:25:39 EST 2012 | gaz

Is there a different thickness of screens we should be using for smaller components (sod523 / sot23 / 0603) or new pastes? Thanks.

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 13:55:04 EDT 2015 | mbartel

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki.

screen thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 17:59:44 EST 2012 | gaz

Thanks very much everyone. I'll try out a 5mil and see how that goes.

screen thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 21:05:45 EST 2012 | isd_jwendell

What is the percent solids of the paste you are using?

screen thickness

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 13:08:13 EST 2012 | gaz

Is that the "general metal loading" spec? We are using AIM ws400 sac305, so 88.5%.

screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 21 02:28:54 EDT 2015 | dinhhuunam

Juki GL-1.... Any thoughts? I'm New to the > industry and I'm trying to buy a new screen > printer. I have two in mind, DEK and Juki. Hi Sir, I'll advise you the SJ INNOTECH Vision Screen printer Best Solution & Service for You Model HP-520S Hi

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