Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 08:50:21 EST 2005 | Bored
I usually delete segment repair files 'segrep' monthly without implications. It speeds the machine up when generating other segrep files. I believe it is just an archive for e-stop generated production files and has no bearing on management data. Hop
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 08:56:51 EST 2005 | jh0n
Not a bad idea - just insert del c:\usos\product\segrep\*.* into startup.cmd. Thx for the idea! :)
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 21:38:40 EST 2005 | pmd
You do not need to back up segrep. This is only used for boards currently on the machine whenever the machine encounters a palm down or soft stop. It only contains what is mounted and or not mounted on that board. No System infomation is contained in
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 14:18:48 EST 2005 | pmd
The last time we had field service on our GSM the UIC tech installed a command in the boot sequence that automatically deletes all segreps every time the machine is re-booted. Contact UIC and they can probably help you with this. Our machine crashes
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 15 10:55:43 EST 2006 | PWH
I'm very far from an OS2 master but sounds like you need more RAM? Might help to get rid of files you don't need like segment repairs. They are in C:/USOS/PRODUCT/SEGREP. Also, it's possible that "MinFree" is set so that you have filled up your sp
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 07:51:00 EST 2005 | jh0n
I'm currently trying to do a complete backup of a GSM-1. It's older, and only has one IDE connector (can't add another HDD), and no CD-R. We're having trouble with TCP/IP too. Given that floppy is my only way out right now, and that's pretty unatt
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