Electronics Forum: selective solder multiple pots (Page 1 of 19)

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 10:45:22 EST 2014 | tombstonesmt

We use both types in house. We started with a board moving over the pot, slowly moved on to Jade machines and eventually Synchrodex. Like you mentioned without palletizing you'll have component movements during the cylce and most likely won't have th

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 09:03:47 EST 2014 | rgduval

I can't claim to be an expert....I've just bought a used RPS, and it'll be my first...but, after reading through their manual, and working on setting things up, I'd say: -Conceptually, I like the idea of moving the board rather than moving the entir

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 10:40:35 EST 2014 | eniac

I use a two machines from EBSO, Germany. It's a machines with PCB carrier, so, solder pot is fixed. I'm fully satisfied with this equipment, but I use only wettable nozzles. If you would like to buy a new machine, not in used condition, EBSO will be

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 09:47:19 EST 2014 | jpal

Thanks for all the remarks. I am tending toward the move the pot method. I am concerned about parts tilting from square if moved or held at an angle. I won't need to deal with board pallets, board clamp mechanisms, etc. Plus I found the moving board

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 13 12:49:45 EST 2014 | dyoungquist

I have no experience running a "move the board" selective solder so can not compare the 2 methods..... We have been using an RPS Rhythm "move the pot/nozzle" system since 2008. We are using it solder thru hole components onto boards that often have

selective soldering/nitrogen

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 14 16:55:31 EST 2011 | tombstonesmt

On our Pilarhouse Jade we use nitrogen to cool the belt that drives our solder pump as well as keep the amount of oxygen to a minimum in our solder pot to reduce dross.

Tracking labor at selective solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 27 09:05:35 EST 2017 | charliedci

All the response is appreciated. We have 4 SS machines and 2 operators (normally). Some jobs take up to 15 minutes (multiple boards), some take less than 2 minutes (machine time). Some involve fixtures, preheat, some may require the operator to mon

Tracking labor at selective solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 15:13:16 EST 2017 | georgetruitt

Is the process the same for every product running through the selective solder machine? Load program, acquire or set up fixture, Change/load flux?, Change/Load solder pot? Are the machines cold when the operators need to use them or are the machin

SMT line expansion - new oven and selective solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 22 11:37:00 EST 2020 | kylehunter

Hey all, I've made a post in the past about us expanding to a new space, but I wanted to do a new post with specific questions. We currently have a DEK 265, Phillips Opal Xii, and a Heller 1500. Our main reason for expanding is to have a lead-free

How to start a selective soldering process

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 04:30:29 EDT 1999 | Luca

I'm planning to introduce selective point-to-point soldering for pwb. This is due to various needs: PIHs assy on double IR, for example. I think the most suitable solution is a point-to-point soldering, 'cause we're still having small lot/many type p

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