Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 28 13:40:53 EST 2019 | liquidspacie
Hello, I'm trying to fix this error and what I've done so far I cleaned (no scratches) measuring scale and swapped cards (gantry 1 & 2) and cleaned scale reader sensor. There are no spare parts, I'm just trding to narrow down the cause. Any suggestio
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 08:19:59 EDT 2009 | fujiphil
Hi, Procedure how to replace the x-ballscrew of CP642. 1. Before you remove the x-motor, remember the pulse of x-axis motor just it turn ON the zero set sensor. Pulse usually at 1000pls. +/-50pls. 2. Turn Off the machine. 3. Compress the two ballsc
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 22:50:16 EDT 2005 | KEN
What is the (initial position) ratio of pulse counts to home encoder pulse (relative to the home sensor). It should be 50% +/- 15% Run this test several times in between a warm up. I bet your numbers are all over the place. I bet you have a loos
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 21:16:41 EDT 2017 | kahrpr
you can not just take the motor off and change it. the motors have a home pulse singnial. the motor has to be in a certian position the home pulse position when the flag hits the sensor. When you remove the motor you have to mark the motor gear when
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 25 22:54:55 EDT 2005 | KEN
sorry. re-read your post. The problem is the home sensor relative to the home pulse. You're catching the wrong home pulse. a 10mm offset sounds about right for a 360 degree error. You need 50% +/- 15 % to ensure you always zero to the same phys
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 13 02:31:50 EDT 2016 | bukas
board input sensor sensitivity? maybe conveyor movement triggers it and because of that it sends pulse. conveyor moves few millimeters, how does machine act?
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 18:25:22 EDT 2010 | slwolbert
Thanks for the response Travis. I'd think the table would inch or move if it were stuck inching keys. The table would eventually trigger one of the overtravel sensors on this ancient machine. Much Appreciated, Steve
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 30 11:10:53 EST 2015 | ilavu
Tom, Mount one sensor at about 6 inch inside of the beginning of the oven conveyor and use its output as ready to accept the board signal. That 6 inch distance will give you timing and space between two boards entering in the oven. Tushar
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 07 17:33:25 EDT 2023 | jdengler
Since you haven't received any useful advise I will throw my 2 cents in. I do not know this machine but in general what you describe is an axis that does not get it's home pulse in time. Many machines will have an in-range sensor that gets flagged
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 06 09:38:57 EST 2008 | iziris
Thanks, I am extremely new to this, in fact it's my first board that I am attempting to put together. I just needed an out put that pulsed between 0v-.09v. I am using it for an oxygen sensor simulator and found this diagram. I will try that site that
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