Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 18:34:22 EDT 2003 | Kris
Hi, There have been other studies where it was found that lead-free soloder joints are more reliable than tin-lead solder joints irrespective of test conditions. In fact the automotive industry has been using Sn/Ag for underhood applications for a
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 12:24:50 EDT 2003 | blnorman
I have received information from the European Commissioners Environmental group that automotive electronics are not covered by WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment 2002/96/EC) or RoHS (reduction of hazardous substances 2002/95/EC) because
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 21 22:15:59 EST 2000 | Vince Whipple
Mohammed, The first suggested place to start with your question would probably be with your flux Mfr. Push them! The quantity of dross is effected by several factors: The higher your solder pot temp., the higher your dross level... but don't go too
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 17 19:42:34 EDT 2000 | Russ Cutler
We just bought a new Heller 1800 EXL reflow oven for reflowing SMT boards. We us a low temp RMA solder paste with 2% silver. Everything we build is to IPC Class 3 specifications. We have approximately 600 different types of circuit boards we build
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 14:07:20 EDT 2000 | Russ Cutler
Let me see if I've got this straight...rather than hook up a MOLE or a KIC profiler to each and every board (600 P/N's in my case), most people are making judgement calls based solely on how similar a board looks to another board, for which they have
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 13:55:19 EDT 2014 | hegemon
It sounds like a bit too much solder on the PWB, caused by too large a pad for the lead it will contain. In that case solder reduction is the way to move forward. What are the options there? 1. New stencil or stencils - (not desirable) 2. Increas
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 30 09:31:52 EST 2014 | rgduval
I've always approached it like this: Design your processes and perform your work to class three standards, and inspect to the standard that is acceptable. That is, all work should be performed to the highest degree of quality. When the work is ins
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 20:44:37 EST 2006 | davef
Title : LEAD-FREE WAVE SOLDER FLUX EVALUATION Author : Michael Havener Author Company : Benchmark Electronics, Inc Date : 09/25/2005 Conference : SMTA International Abstract : The European Union�s deadline to ban lead in electronic pr
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