Electronics Forum: siemens and s27 f5hm (Page 1 of 1)

siemens f5 software booting...

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 25 15:16:16 EDT 2014 | yuran111

machine controller BIOS loads only cyclically until pressed reset button on it - now checks the configuration and loading tasks load. hard drive I can take from the controller Siemens s27 example? motherboard came from s27 machine, and the same softw

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 09 16:10:15 EDT 2008 | davef

We don't know a Siemens S-27 Error Code from a shoe box, but our old friend Stefan Witte is wizard on Siemens machines. He has posted some troubleshooting guidance on his site. If that doesn't help; contact him, plead for mercy, and he probably will

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 10 07:42:52 EDT 2008 | lloyd

Can you provide a bit more info on your machine setup. I not full fimilar with the S-27 so a few points may not be relevant to your machine. Are you using Siplace Pro. Are you using the standard GF for the 0201 component. Do you have the component

Siemens S-27 Error Code Descriptions and Segment Issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 15:35:55 EDT 2008 | modernprecison

I have a Siemens S-27 and I'm having occasional issues with 0201 components in particular. I'm using the 12 segment head and 902 nozzles with them. I'm making sure the magnet is clean of debris and the feeder is sitting flat. Most of the time they

Does anyone run Siplace S15 and F3's anymore?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 11 09:42:07 EST 2016 | oxygensmd

I am trying to decide how to best dispose of our > old running Siemens equipment. I would like to > get something for them but I am not sure who > needs these older machines I have about 8 > available; any ideas guys? > I am trying to decide ho


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