Electronics Forum: siemens conveyor (Page 1 of 2)

siemens f5 software booting...

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 24 15:28:27 EDT 2014 | yuran111

don`t have. give me please it. simens f5 with 6 segment head and IC-head. two conveyor. and if you can lower the entire inner hard drive, and then erased accidentally and slipped from siemens s27. thanks

Siemens Siplace F5 conveyor system works sporadically.

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 04:48:51 EST 2018 | oxygensmd

Yes, I think the same. The K2 relay will be the problem. As I remember there is one contactor which is identically the same but not used. Put the conveyor to the other one.

Siemens Siplace F5 conveyor system works sporadically.

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 15 10:55:28 EST 2018 | youngbuck

Kristof_k I put it to the other open spot 33,34 on the K2 relay,and it now works consistently Thanks for your help, I appreciate it! - Ryan

Siemens Siplace F5 conveyor system works sporadically.

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 08 22:44:59 EST 2018 | youngbuck

Hi, Was wondering if anybody has any experience with F5 with the conveyors will work sporadically. If I put a board on the input sensor in which it sees it will work, the next 5 minutes it won't work. Could this relate to the K2 relay, if so does any

Dual Lane Conveyor for Siemens Machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 05:43:35 EDT 2006 | Bach Huss

Hi all, I am trying to evaluate the stability and practicality of the dual transport (conveyor) mode of the HS50. I would like to know the if there are people who have used this feature before. The objective of this evaluation is to test the feas

MONSTER board equipment...

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 09:56:00 EDT 2001 | stefan

I wonder what kind of equipment the board designer had in mind? Are you shure you can do the board with a Mydata ? Where do you put the tray for your 20 mil QFP's? 10 mm thick plus component height also appears to be a problem. Multitroniks can do la

Floor space for Siemens Machine

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 05 17:01:31 EST 2006 | GS

total footprint should be about 4 square meter Let's consider dimensions: - length (conveyor) = 1,58 mt - width (front+back)= 2,50 mt Regars.......GS


Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 26 12:21:45 EDT 2003 | Stefan

HERMAN, I think, you are doing very well with 30 minutes change over time. Your stuff got used to the machines, setting up feeders, program preparation and conveyor changes. The Universal GSM is as flexible as Mydata or Siemens for that matter, but y

MPM up500 smema issue

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 16:36:18 EDT 2016 | ttheis

It does look like it was setup for fuji or siemens connection. I did get the smema signals working; had to add the connections for pins 3 & 4 on both ports and move some of the existing connections according to the smema diagram. Also, I wasn't seein

Fiducial recognition using laser

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 03 16:39:15 EST 2004 | stefwitt

We had a similar system on the Siemens machines, quite some time ago. However, it was not a laser light but a LED and a fiber cable. Actually the center fiber or receiver was surrounded by a bundle of small fibers for the LED light source. You may al

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