Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 15 03:00:21 EDT 2004 | pierrenoir
Hello to you all I was hoping one of you guys would be good enough to give me some advice on a problem I am having with some training simulators I have developed for my work. I have basically built two electronic control simulators to duplicate the o
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 04 15:34:12 EDT 2020 | sara_pcb
Hi, I am designing a PCB which consist of Instrumentation Amplifiers, Programmable Gain Amplifiers, Switched Cap Filters, FPGAs & many ADCs. Involves low level Analog signals. How to patrician the layout so Analog & Digital signals do not interfere.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 22:47:42 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387687
Check the Theta belt. Is it clean, not worn, no kinks? Are the tools rotating freely?
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 19:37:17 EDT 2022 | jzeivel
I have an MY200DX mycronic pick and place machine. I recently started getting this error "F-MOT-MOVENICE HYDRA Theta2/1295: Encoder Signal is noisy". Has anyone else ever had this error? The machine will still run, but this error will pop up rando
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 01 16:55:56 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387687
It could certainly be the motor and/or the encoder. They do go bad. The other thing to look at is the component/package. Does it happen with only one specific component/package? It might be corrupted data. That happens, as well. But, most likely it's
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 11:13:33 EDT 2022 | jzeivel
I forgot to mention in my original post, I actually replaced the theta belt and cleaned the head. All the tools rotate as they should. When I run the burn-in I get no errors. I can run the "test sub-systems" on the head in the service program and
Electronics Forum | Tue May 29 05:14:08 EDT 2012 | lavjasoria
Hallo, Can anybody help me how can I generate IEEE 802.15.4 protocol signals using SMIQ03B? I want to give this signal to SmartRF04EB board for CC2530 PER Testing. Thank You.
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 09 17:15:44 EDT 2012 | davef
Here's a link to the operating manual for your Rohde - Schwarz Vector Signal Generator http://www2.rohde-schwarz.com/file_5734/smiqb_e11_bd1.pdf
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 09:18:35 EDT 2012 | signal
Try a simple solder mask. I use Chemtronics. A bottle is only arond $20 and is as easy to apply as it is to remove. A cheap, quick fix.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 01 10:43:43 EDT 2012 | signal
Perhaps apply the through hole part, solder mask only one barrel. Then hand solder that single leg.