Electronics Forum: silver and solder (Page 1 of 160)

RoHS solders and silver termination inks

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 12:49:59 EDT 2005 | Ted

Slaine, We use a Pd/Ag thickfilm paste. Because of the leaching we had to start using solder pastes that have silver in it. For RoHS, we are using a solder paste with an alloy of Sn95/Ag05. We also have to double print the thickfilm pastes. I h

RoHS solders and silver termination inks

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 09:24:08 EDT 2005 | Slaine

we manufacture a range of ceramic parts that have silver termination,there is already a small leaching problem (absorption of the termination by the solder in liquid form)with Sn62 that we live with, having to implement unleaded solder they are norma

2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 08:08:33 EDT 1999 | Rob Palson

We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to bu

imm. silver

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 16:25:21 EDT 2002 | davef

Imm silver holds-up to multiple thermal cycles very well. The things, we guess, are happening to make imm silver tough to solder after heating and sitting are: * Oxidation of the silver. * Reduction of the co-deposited organic anti-tarnish [used in

imm. silver

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 20:02:58 EDT 2002 | davef

Often assemblers leave areas unsoldered for future component additions, modifications, and test points. On imm silver boards, these unsoldered areas become a real bear to solder/test later in life. One way to avoid that problem is deposit some solder

imm. silver

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 30 04:44:31 EDT 2002 | jason

Hi Dave, Why does it become " a bear" if u leave it unsoldered ?? Does it oxidise or something ?? Question (1): Does Ag imm. PCB need to use Solder paste with AG ?? If yes, why. Question (2): Does Ag imm pcb have poorer surface finishes than HAS

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 02:38:41 EDT 1999 | Brian Sloth Bentzen

| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 08:21:47 EDT 1999 | Terry Keen

| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 09:45:34 EDT 1999 | Terry Keen

| | We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have t

Re: 2% silver solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 17:44:29 EDT 1999 | Christopher Lampron

| We process both tin/lead plated boards and gold plated boards in our surface mount group. I have used Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste on all gold plated boards to help prevent gold scavaging. To reduce the amount of different solder pastes we have to

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