Electronics Forum: sj50 tall component (Page 1 of 6)

Topaz Xll tall components

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 14 02:56:26 EST 2015 | s_marius

Good Day for Everyone! TOPAZ XII can handle 6.5mm height components easily. Is it possible to mount 10mm? The problem is that the picked high component pushes away other placed high component. Camera alignment works well. Please share your experien

Topaz Xll tall components

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 14 22:35:36 EST 2015 | mac5

Marius, Place the component furthest away from the feeders first.

Topaz Xll tall components

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 02:18:30 EST 2015 | s_marius

Thanks for reply. I've tried to arrange the sequence already, but the panel is 2x10 and 1 row is 180 deg rotated. I have an idea to duplicate component and place it at the rear mount plate.

Topaz Xll tall components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 10:28:48 EST 2016 | paperbackryder

there is (or was), a CCD camera option to enable component heights up to 11mm part over part.

Topaz Xll tall components

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 17:08:01 EDT 2016 | thejedeye

Hi Marius, If you discover you need custom nozzles get a quote from here. http://www.nozzleforled.info/

Epoxy on bottom of SMT component

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 02 22:03:14 EST 2007 | shy

Hi Habsfan, if we're mount the THP first, we can't run SMT due to tTHP is tall and big which will causing the PNP to be chaos. Btw, my solder paste location is more than glue location which (solder paste : glue) is 2:1.

A.O.I recommendation

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 10:48:03 EDT 2005 | Paul

We evaluated several machines a couple of years ago and ended up selecting an Agilent SJ50. Fast machine but very limited on joint inspection. Also does not detect missing components reliably which you would normally take as a given on an AOI system.

Tall SMT Components

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 03 13:07:04 EDT 2008 | markhoch

Thanks for the feedback!!

Philips Topaz - is there any way to use it to place parts 11 - 13mm tall?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 14:46:47 EDT 2019 | assuredtech

It's been awhile but yes, if you do not allow the machine to optimize your program and your placing sequence is such that the tallest component is perhaps the 1st or last placement so it doesn't bump into other components, next is you may look into a

Pick Up Error

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 07:16:14 EDT 2004 | cyber_wolf

If your part height(thickness) is set too tall in the software, the machine will drop the component before it touches the paste. If your part height(thickness) is set too short in the software you will smash the part into the paste. This can cause da

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