Electronics Forum: slimkic 2000 data link (Page 1 of 1)

Thermal Profilers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 29 09:41:52 EST 2008 | d0min0

Hello, we use DataPAQ 6 slots - but after tech guys finally killed their profiler on wave its theirs now last year we used SolderStar neptune, 3-9 slots, but it is too easy to destroy it (4 times in repair...) so finally I started to use SlimKIC 2

Problem measuring parallelism wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 14:56:09 EST 2011 | rkr76

Hello everyone, I have a question regarding wavesoldering and measuring if a proces/machine is in control. I made a custom carrier for measuring contact time, parallelism, solder temperature, coveyorspeed and some data of the preheat section. The s

Re: SPC?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 18:24:36 EDT 2000 | Dave F

James: Here's a starting point: 1 www.wwnet.net/~rkroy/wp-inb.html 2 www.sas.com/otherprods/jmp/Home.html 3 www.micromeg.com/ 4 Boeing SQC (avail. from Boeing for $100) is a good little package for DOS machines. 5 For Windows, SPC KISS from Air Aca

Re: Serial Numbering of PCB's (?)

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 03 11:20:15 EST 2000 | John O'Brien

This is getting to be a more common practice, especially with the application of a 2-D bar code directly to the board (via laser, ink jet,etc.) Some really major companies are jumping on the bandwagon because it also allows treating each board as a l

Document Control Center software recommendations

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 17:36:32 EDT 2002 | davef

Basically you need to do two things 1 Look at and print drawings you get. 2 Keep track of where those drawing are stored. LOOKING AT AND PRINTING DRAWINGS YOU GET. Use: * Same software that your customer used to create the drawing. [Oh, lots of cu


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