Electronics Forum: smpi interface (Page 1 of 2)

SMEMA to SMPI interface

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 10:48:37 EST 2006 | bas Rottier

Hello, I'm looking for a protocol description of the SMPI interface (we would like to connect a SMPI machine to a SMEMA machine). Does anybody have description of signals (electrically) + waveforms + pin-layout + connectortype? THanks Regards bas.r

SMEMA to SMPI interface

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 29 20:35:47 EST 2006 | davef

Fine SMTnet Archives are amazing. Look here: http://www.smtnet.com/Forums/index.cfm/fuseaction/view_thread/CFApp/1/Thread_ID/6759


Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 17 07:25:18 EST 2004 | Andreas

I need to connect a Universal HSP (SMPI, Upstream) with a SMEMA interfact (downstream). Can anyone give me some information about the SMPI interface? Or does anyone have a schematic of a conversion box from SMPI to SMEMA? Thank you! B.R. Andreas

DEK SMEMA to UIC Conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 22:07:21 EDT 2009 | mika

Hi, I just read your post. I think I know what's your problem is. In the DEK 265 (I assumed that is the model?)There is a special card for such things. For. ex. Fuji interface, Panasonic, Siemens, and UIC SMPI - interface. Uninerversal has therir own

Re: interfacing SMT Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 13:09:04 EST 2000 | Prawin Paulraj

i would like some information about interfacing SMT machines of varying standards(SMEMA,SMPI). i Would like to know as to how to interface machines using different standards thank you

Information requested

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 15:33:31 EST 2000 | Prawin Paulraj

Hello, I would like to request some information regarding the interfacing of SMT machines. i am of the understanding that it involves some interfaces like SMEMA 1.1,1.2 and SMPI. I would like to know more about the interfacing of machines using these

Re: interfacing SMT Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 20:49:48 EST 2000 | Dave F

Here's what I know about SMEMA and SMPI: SMEMA: An organization within IPC focusing on defining physical and computer protocol interface between production machines. Most equipment suppliers design their machines to physically meet SMEMA requireme


Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 15:11:30 EST 2004 | cal

www.smema.org Machine Interface Standard http://www.smema.org/smema1.2.pdf Here is where you can find Machine cable/ connector information as well as timing and interface Schemetic. I would contact Universal for the machine interface connection spe

Smema communication

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 24 00:08:55 EDT 2007 | mika

Fully SMPI (there are 2 kinds of SMPI and Universal used them both in the past). Converter cables between SMPI > Fully SMPI Converter cables between FUJI > Panasonic Converter cables between FUJI > SMEMA Converters between almost any machine interfac

DEK SMEMA to UIC Conveyor

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 20 23:06:49 EDT 2009 | mika

10 or even up from a UIC conveyor of the old model - probably SMPI is the connector from UIC fully loaded, then full SMPI, but not all of them are used. Just Good board, bad Board, send, receive acknowledge. It is possible to convert this into SMEMA.

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