Electronics Forum: smt production output spreadsheet (Page 1 of 5)

ESD kapton tape for SMT production use

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 22 14:25:17 EST 2014 | rgduval

In the purest sense of ESD control, we would have to say yes, use ESD tape to cover the gold fingers. The gold fingers are connected directly to input/output controls for the card, and, as we all know, when handling boards, we're supposed to avoid c

How to run SMT production with low defects

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 13:36:44 EDT 2002 | kenbliss

I would take the following method to start Which defect is taking the most labor time to fix. which defect is causing a bottleneck to your production. Fix the one causing the bottleneck first as it will improve your plant output and profits Then

How to run SMT production with low defects

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 17 03:39:13 EDT 2002 | shrikant_borkar

Monitor daily Machine MIS data for parts rejection ofcourse your weekly/monthly preventive maintenance must be regular. following steps- will be helful 1. qulaity output from machine by taking immidiate action over online detected faults. concentrat

How to run SMT production with low defects

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 15 15:44:46 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

You can't control what you don't measure. You have provided very little detail other than post reflow costs are high. What defects are attributed to problems experienced prior to reflow? Are these random or recurring defects? You will need to put ea


Electronics Forum | Tue May 08 19:28:29 EDT 2001 | mparker

Received my copy of the standard about a month ago. Seems straightforward and gets away from the percentage nightmare. Mark Twain said it best with "There are 3 kinds of lies in this world - lies, damn lies and statistics!!" Now I have some nagging

SMT Production Planning Sreadsheet

Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 03:58:16 EDT 2011 | don7888

Thanks for the input everyone. I'm now working on a new spreadsheet but if you would like to download this one and give feedback that would be very much appreciatd.

Process control, SMT inspection and rework

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 09 21:40:26 EDT 2002 | ianchan

We are a local enterprise with limited resources, just like you described, so hope this experience sharing helps : we place a production Visual Mechanical Inspection (VMI) inspector at the end of each Reflow Oven area, complete with magnify scope 30

SMT LIne Production Rate

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 08:18:19 EDT 2011 | don7888

Hi Has anyone managed to accurately produce a spreadsheet or formula that will accurately calculate the amount of boards your SMT line will produce an hour. I work in a high mix low volume industry and we are constantly taking on new jobs but have n

SMT Production Planning Sreadsheet

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 14 04:55:21 EDT 2011 | don7888

Hi I have produced a spreadsheet that helps to plan production for SMT Jobs its very much a prototype and my Excel skills are not the best but I would appreciate if people could look over it and offer improvements. It currently operates using only I

Pick & Place File Formats

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 10 23:17:39 EST 2009 | vinitverma

Hi Jax, I didn't understand your question very well. I'll try to answer based on whatever I could understand! Most Gerber viewers available in the market - especially free versions, DONOT have the capability to group apertures to build component. T

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smt production output spreadsheet searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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