Electronics Forum: so-8 picking (Page 1 of 2)

Mydata linear stick feeder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 13:03:14 EDT 2009 | toddscherrsymcomcom

I am looking for any input on the linear stick feeder from Mydata. We currently use a vibe feeder and have a high number of miss picks/rejects on SO8 packages. Is the linear stick feeder worth the investment to upgrade from vibe?

Re: Belt Feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 04 14:47:31 EDT 1998 | Leo van de Vall

We have been selling belt feeders for many years and they perform very well. Larger components can be picked very reliably; setup is easy. The only disadvantage is that for smaller components like SO8, SSOP or any small component that is square or a

Fuji Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Fri May 07 07:02:52 EDT 2004 | rlackey

Hi Grant, We use the CP series from Fuji - so not quite the same, but the quality of engineering and company philosophy will almost certainly carry over into the XP range. Our machines are totally bombproof reliability wise, and the programming i

Fuji Pick and Place Machines

Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 09:44:24 EDT 2004 | rlackey

Hello again Grant, In addition to our Fuji CPs we run Universal machines, and although they are pretty reliable, they are not in the same league. Regarding Fuji Placement speed we hit 30K plus on a couple of boards with no issues, but you do have t

Re: Need info. on vib times for Siplace 80f4 Users

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 14 21:40:25 EDT 1998 | Stefan W.

Unfortunatly there are too many variables to play with that you can't make a general rule for the vibration time. However, I suggest you increase the vibration time and lower the vibration force ( AC voltage ). For an SO 8, I would use 600 ms for an

Re: Need info. on vib times for Siplace 80f4 Users

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 15 14:12:36 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach

| Unfortunatly there are too many variables to play with that you can't make a general rule for the vibration time. | However, I suggest you increase the vibration time and lower the vibration force ( AC voltage ). For an SO 8, I would use 600 ms for

Re: sm ic's

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 24 23:18:00 EDT 1999 | Scott McKee

| We are going to smt ic's on the component side of our pcb's. | The problem is we are going to have to do this by hand. | We have a hot air station and vac pencil, but How reliable is this process. | We've tried it on proto's and had some shorting p

Re: Component Feeder Sizes

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 02:02:01 EDT 1998 | Scott McKee

| I am involved in the purchasing decision (Technical side) of which placement machine to buy. One of the criteria we need to specify is how many feeders, and what sizes. I have a provitional parts list of a job that we are most likly going to build.

Re: sm ic's

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 26 05:02:33 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | We are going to smt ic's on the component side of our pcb's. | | The problem is we are going to have to do this by hand. | | We have a hot air station and vac pencil, but How reliable is this process. | | We've tried it on proto's and had some sh

Re: BGAs and vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 19 12:37:15 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | | | | Hi, SMTASSY | | | | that�s what we do, soldering our double-sided-finepitch-BGA-and all-the-other-stuff-boards in vapourphase because it�s the only thing we have. | | First, we do not do real series produktion, only prototyping up to som

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